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Year 4 is the last year of the program which constitutes Phase III. The prerequisite to advance to this phase is that the candidate needs to pass the part II exam. During this phase the candidates are to act as a Family Medicine Specialist in training. They will be posted to health care centres where their training will be supervised by qualified Family Medicine Specialist in the respective clinic. They are expected to shadow the Family Medicine Specialist and adopted the adult learning approach in managing complex cases in primary care suitable to the role as a specialist and strengthen the skills in handling the general and clinical administrative tasks including leadership, teamwork, and staff management. They will be expected to complete their research and submit the output six months into the year. There will be a two-weeks course of practice management which will constitute of lectures and seminars to help consolidating their knowledge and skills in clinic management during this year. The candidates are also expected to do an audit of issues they identified in their respective clinics.

At the end of the Phase III year training, candidates should be able to:

  • function as trainee Family Medicine Specialist
  • have knowledge and skills in conducting research and audit in order to improve the management at the health center
  • obtain skills in handling clinical dilemmas, legal and ethical issues
  • obtain skills in leadership qualities in setting-up and organization skills in primary care practice.

The candidates will be assessed through formative and summative assessment. The continuous assessment will comprise of the marks for the audit project, Clinical Supervisor report and Viva Voce on their Practice Diary. The candidates must have a satisfactory continuous assessment and pass their dissertation. As part of the prerequisite to sit for the part III exam, the candidates are expected to pass TWO Family Case Studies or have ONE case report publication in ISI Journal or Scopus. 

The final summative assessment will be the part III exam at the end of the year.

Candidates who fail the examination can re-sit a repeat examination in six months.

Candidates who failed the same examination three times or have spent a maximum of seven years in the master’s program may have their candidature terminated by the University.

Year 4 MMED (Family Medicine) Course Overview