Year 2 MMED (Family Medicine) Course Overview
Welcome to Phase II of Family Medicine MMED Program. It is a combination of Year 2 and Year 3 of training. Year 2 is similar to Year 1 where the candidates need to do short posting in the tertiary hospital and primary care posting in Klinik Rawatan Keluarga by end of the year. The box below shows the posting and duration of each.
During this phase, candidates are expected to improve their basic knowledge and clinical skills that they had gained during the first phase.
The candidates will be posted to various disciplines/departments to increase their clinical competence as Family Medicine Specialists. Every posting will be of a specific duration in order to achieve the objectives
The candidates will be trained and supervised by a specialist in University Hospital/General Hospital/District Hospital or Health Centres who will act as a clinical supervisor.
For out-campus candidates, they must continue their study in Universiti Sains Malaysia campus starting from end of year 2 until the end of their candidature period unless otherwise as ordered by their sponsor (Ministry of Health).
During this year, candidates are expected to attend courses organised by the Family Medicine Department or School of Medical Science. They are Biostatistics Course which is organized by the School of Medical Science, Research Proposal Workshop and Consolidation Course which are organized by the department. The candidates will also need to undergo two ultrasound attachments covering the basic as well as antenatal ultrasound during their second year of training.
Candidates are required to present a research proposal on a topic which has been agreed by the candidates and their academic supervisor during the research proposal course. The supervisor is to guide and advise along the course of the research which must be completed and highly encouraged to publish by year four.
Continuous assessment reports from each posting should be submitted to the department by March for June intake and September for December intake.
Candidates must prepare and present their research proposal during a research proposal workshop at the department.
Pre- Requisite for Year Three Entrance
Candidates must have a satisfactory report in the continuous assessment.
Candidates need submit and to get an ethical approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee of USM (JEPeM) for their research proposal (if applicable)