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Year 1 MMED Course Overview

Welcome to MMED Family Medicine program Universiti Sains Malaysia. You will start your training with hospital placement. The posting will be in the tertiary or general hospitals that have been accredited to be suitable for post graduate master training program. It consists of 52 weeks course divided into 2 semesters, June and December.

Year 1 is considered as phase I in the whole course program, it consists of 3 clinical postings, which include internal medicine, paediatric and obstetrics & gynaecology. There are 2 obligatory intensive courses organised by the department and the school whereby the students need to be in USM, Health Campus.

The rotation of posting will depend on the availability slots in that particular hospital. For example, a few students might start with internal medicine posting first, followed by obstetrics & gynaecology and end with paediatric posting. Other students might start with paediatric posting first and end with either internal medicine or obstetrics & gynaecology.

The students need to complete all these 3 posting and 2 intensive courses to be deemed as completed year 1 course program. There will be theory exam in October and April (repeat) and those that passed the theory exam will proceed to clinical exam in November and May (repeat). The box below shows the duration of each posting and program. The weeks include annual leave, study weeks and exam.


-       During this phase, students are expected to improve their basic knowledge and clinical skills that they had gained during their practice in various postings after graduation.

-       The students will be posted to various disciplines/departments to increase their clinical competence as Family Medicine Specialists. Every posting will be of a specific duration in order to achieve the objectives of the program.

-       The students will be trained and supervised by a specialist in University Hospital/General Hospital/District Hospital who will act as a clinical supervisor.

-       For out-campus students, they need to start their training in Universiti Sains Malaysia campus after completed 4 semesters (2 years in the program) unless otherwise as ordered by their sponsor (Ministry of Health).

-       In year 1, students are expected to attend 2 intensive courses, organised by the Family Medicine Department and Bioethics course which is organised by the School of Medical Science.

-       Students are expected to have recent (within 2 years) BLS or ALS certificate as a prerequisite to sit for part I theory exam. Other pre-requisites are satisfactory clinical supervisor report, continuous assessment and pass one family case study/case report.


Year 1 continuous assessment

Clinical supervisor reports from each posting should be submitted to the department once completed the posting.


Conjoin exam at the assign university.

  1. Theory exam- 200 SBA questions.
  2. Clinical exam- 12 OSCE stations.

Students who passed both examinations will proceed to year 2 of the program.