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A post-doctoral fellowship (FPD) is an appointment for researchers who have completed a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and can conduct full-time research towards achieving research excellence and innovation in a specific research field, aiming to produce scientific publications.

Admission requirement

1. The candidate must have been awarded a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree not exceeding five (5) years from the date of graduation when the application is submitted.

2. Possess good academic merit and research output in the last three (3) years. a. At least three (3) publications as First Author in an indexed journal in Web of Science (Science candidates) or Scopus (Non-Science candidates) including one (1) publication in Q1/Q2 (Journal Citation Report (JCR) and not in SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)).

3. The field/ area of the post-doctoral candidate must be matched to the area of the identified supervisor from the respective School/ Centre of Excellence.

4.. Preference will be given to candidates who are Malaysian citizens.

Appointment Duration

1. The term of appointment is for one (1) year and may be considered for reappointment based on the achievements of the FPD.

2. The maximum appointment period is for two (2) years only.


Further information regarding the fellowship can be obtained at


Application can be made at


Post Doctoral Fellow under Reconstructive Sciences Programme


Student’s name

Project title

Year of graduation


Dr R. Krishna Kishore

Protective Efficacy of Tualang Honey on Antioxidant Defense Status and Anti-Inflammatory Activity During Severe Burn Injury in Sprage Dawley Rat



Dr Lim Chin Keong

Engineered Skin Substitute Using Chitosan Porous Skin Regenerating Template