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Reconstructive Sciences Unit is located at the School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Health Campus in Kelantan, Malaysia. The unit has been recognized as the leading tertiary referral center in the country, particularly on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, for plastic and reconstructive surgery since 1997. It provides clinical services in reconstructive surgery, burn care and surgery, cleft and craniofacial surgery.

The Reconstructive Sciences Unit has received recognition from the Ministry of Health Malaysia for advanced training in plastic surgery. It offers a four-year Master of Surgery (Plastic Surgery) degree program as well as research-based training at the Masters and PhD levels to local and international students. Additionally, the unit provides post-doctoral fellowships in research for emerging scientists.

The Reconstructive Sciences Unit places a strong emphasis on research, covering biomaterials, tissue engineering, burn and wound care, reconstructive microsurgery, and genetic research related to cleft lips and palates. It has received recognition and funding from various international organizations, the ministry, and the university through numerous grants. Its research has been published in international and national journals, e-journals, proceedings, and book chapters.

The Reconstructive Sciences Unit actively engages in community service by acting as a catalyst for community education and outreach programs, particularly in prevention campaigns and public education. It educates the community on various aspects of burn management, including fire prevention, first aid, treatment, and rehabilitation. To enhance understanding of wound and burn care, the unit organizes seminars, courses, and workshops for healthcare practitioners. It maintains a network with renowned centers for technology development and transfer worldwide, updating recent developments and advances in wound and burn care.

Furthermore, the Reconstructive Sciences Unit collaborates with non-profit organizations like Malaysian Medical Relief Society (MERCY Malaysia) and the Cleft Lip and Palate Association Malaysia (CLAPAM) to support underserved populations affected by cleft both locally and internationally. The unit provides expertise in clinical management and intensifies its research efforts to improve management practices.

Currently, the Reconstructive Sciences Unit is integrating artificial intelligence into its research agenda and healthcare management, recognizing the tremendous potential of AI systems to transform healthcare service provision.