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Start operating in 2013 on a small scale.
Patients were involved in a total of 3 people at a time.
Operate from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm, lunch break at 12.45 until 2.15pm.
Sell ‘nasi berlauk’, cakes, hot and cold drinks.
Also provides waffles in the afternoon.
Employee remuneration rm15 a day
Start operating in March 2010.
Involved 3 to 9 patients at a time.
Operate from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.
Make various types of bread, pastries and biscuits.
Rm2-5 remuneration will be given to employees depending on the amount and quality of patient work.
A packet of bread/cookies will be given to patients for free.
Operated in 2003 after obtained financial support from the Malaysian Psychiatric Association (MPA) and Jansen-Cillag through funds 'Circle of Care'.
There are about 1-5 patients at a time.
Time operations began Sunday to Thursday from 10am to 3pm.
The remuneration given to employees in the form of money which is half of the price of the car wash and mine RM 3.
The average number of cars washed was 5-6 cars a day. 
Mentari@USM basically is a pychosocial rehabilitation unit, which is one of the support units in the Psychiatric department. The unit is inspired by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in the 1960s. WHO suggests that there is the need for decentralization and integration of psychiatric services into the health care system, however, recovery and community management of chronic mental patients are less effective. Thus, in March 1997, a national workshop on the development of community mental health programs was recommended in the National Mental Health Association. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program for mental illness has improved with a particular emphasis set out in the Mental Health Act 2001. Each unit which provides mandatory psychiatric treatment services provides psychosocial rehabilitation treatment according to the Mental Health Act 2001. It aims to provide a comprehensive and thorough treatment of mentally ill patients.
Mental Health Community Center (MCMC) is a place where care and treatment related to mental health provided in a community that is it covers screening, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for those who suffer from any type of mental illness (Mental Health Act 2001). Community Mental Health Center Mentari USM is a branch of psychiatry developed treatments aimed at developing and maintaining programs for mental health promotion, prevention and treatment of mental illness and also rehabilitation to patients who have been discharged from hospital.
Department of Psychiatry in USM also provides psychosocial rehabilitation treatment. It was started in 2010 with a car wash workshop, bakery and a cafe run by a stable mental patients under the monitoring of the nurses. Since the emphasis on psychosocial rehabilitation in the Mental Health Act, the psychosocial rehabilitation units become more efficient and expanded to Mentari USM.
USM Mentari operates at level 2, Trauma Building in USM. The center is under the management and monitoring of the Department of Psychiatry Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia.                                    
  • Promoting mental health, introducing preventive measures and screening for mental illness and offering medical assistance.
  • To create awareness among the public in reducing stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness.
  • To provide continuity of mental health care in environments that is accessible by the public.
  • To provide rehabilitation and psychosocial interventions including counseling, psychotherapy, patient and family education.    
Mental health promotion
  • Promoting mental health to the community through various activities such as lectures, forums, exhibitions, awareness programs healthy mind through collaboration with other health units and the provision of mental health brochure.
Early detection and screening
  • Organized a screening and consultation to identify mental health illness.
Provide early intervention
  • Early and optimal treatment would be given to cases detected through screening and early detection programs.
Services at Psychiatric Clinic
  • Provide diagnostic examination, psychiatric treatment, rehabilitation and therapy for psychiatric patients (new cases, follow up cases, referral cases and defaulted cases)
Psychosocial intervention
  • Assist in solving psychosocial problems and refer patients to other appropriate agencies
Rehabilitation services
  • Basic Activities of Daily Living Training
                      a. Bathing/ Grooming/ Feeding/Dressing
  • Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Training
a.      Money Management
b.      Use of Community Facilities (Banking/Public Transport)
c.      Telephone Usage
d.      Home Management
e.      Cooking and Other Domestic Skills
  • Stress management
a.      Coping Skills
b.      Problem Solving Skills
c.      Anger Management
d.      Relaxation Therapy
    i.      Progressive Muscular (Jacobson’s)
    ii.     Deep Breathing Relaxation
    iii.    Imagery Technique
  • Behavioural Therapy
a.      Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
b.      Behavioural Modification
c.      Habit Training
d.      Time Management
  • Art Therapy
a.      Music Therapy
b.      Arts and Craft
c.      Creative Writing
  • Social Skills Training
  • Psychoeducation
  • Work
a.      Work Habit Training
b.      Interview Skills
c.      Job Seeking Skills
d.      Sheltered Workshop
e.      Mentari Bakery
f.       Mentari Car Wash
g.      Mentari Cafe
  • Counseling services for individuals and families.
  • Workshop on managing illness, rehabilitation and family support module
  • Community involvement: education to the community, secondary consultations and act as a resource matters relating to mental health
  • Outreach program: visits to the patient's home for the purpose of psychosocial rehabilitation.
  • Operates from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.
  • Client will be registered in the register 101 PER PL.
  • Client can come to this center for "walk-in" without reference from any other unit/clinic. References from other units/clinic/ other institutions are accepted (stable cases)
  • Each case will be screened by officers. Client will be given an appointment or be seen directly by the medical care based on the severity of their problems.
  • Screening for mental health status will use the interview technique as well as other techniques, which are appropriate.
  • RM5 fee will be charged to every client who comes. Exemption is granted to those who have an employer or welfare card.
  • Free access to USM students and staffs
  • Client who are unstable or aggressive  will be advised to seek treatment in the emergency department or psychiatric clinic USM Hospital.
  • Client may terminate their treatment in this unit at any time in accordance with their wishes.
  • Client who wish to continue treatment at another center will be given a letter of reference.
  • Client who experience "relapse" during rehabilitation activities will be referred to the Psychiatric Clinic for treatment of acute VTE after being assessed by a medical officer.
  • Client who are already discharged from the center can come back at any time if necessary in accordance with their will if necessary. The process of re-registration will be held.
  • All Client records are administered, maintained and kept confidential. Records are kept regularly, consistently and securely to ensure patient confidentiality is maintained.
  • Individuals who do not meet the admission criteria and only needs a job, where a reference to the relevant agencies is required.
  • Individuals with alcohol and drugs as a major problem.
  • Individuals who are experiencing acute problems and require strict monitoring and careful treatment of 24 hours.
  • Individuals who are very aggressive or high risk for hurting themselves or others.
  • Individuals suffering from dementia and delirium (not stable)
  • Reference himself / guardian- 'walk-in'
  • The primary services or 'general practitioner'
  • Department of Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic
  • Inpatient Psychiatric Unit (for patients discharged early)
  • Private psychiatrist / psychologist officer / counselor
  • Government organizations
  • Non-governmental organizations.