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Department of Psychiatry Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) is located on the fifth floor of the east, hospital building, School of Medical Sciences, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. The department was established in 1983 to meet the requirement for undergraduate teaching of the university’s medical doctor program. Since its inception, the department has produced many dedicated psychiatrists and committed to the task. The department is committed to providing the best clinical services for patients around Kelantan especially and from surrounding states.
Department of Psychiatry is also responsible for post-graduate teaching, so that they are more competent and competent in providing the mental health services required in our community.The first intake of postgraduate students in Master of Medicine (Psychiatry) was in 1996.
In addition, the department also provides psychiatric services through outpatient and inpatient services. There are two wards (male and female) that can accommodate 32 patients. While outpatient treatment consists of general psychiatric clinics and a number of special clinics, including Geriatric Psychiatry clinic, Children and Adolescents clinic, addiction clinic known as WISER and Psychiatric Communities and Psychosocial Units Rehabilitation (MENTARI@USM).
This department is led by Professor Dr Zahiruddin bin Othman consists of eight psychiatrists, one public health expert, one clinical psychologist, one psychologist and assisted by two lecturers from other departments. They are actively involved in the services provided, including the studies conducted. They have also successfully published many articles in local and international journals in addition to related books.