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CME (Overview)

The Department of Internal Medicine conducts the following continous medical education activities every week.  Exception will be during peri- exam periods.  The tentative day and time are stated in the table below.  As we roll over the pandemic, some activities return to face to face format.  Although the various units under the umbrella of internal medicine thrive in their respective horizons, we continue to preserve the integrative nature of internal medicine for the benefit of our students learning.  

Activity   Day & Time Venue  Attendance
Journal Club / Research Protocol Sun 2.10 - 3.00 pm Online via Microsoft Teams MMed trainee
Case Audit (TB Audit at 3rd week of month) Mon 2.10 - 3.00 pm Online via Microsoft Teams MMed trainee, RMO
Multi Disciplinary Case Conference (MDCC) Tue 2.10 - 3.00 pm Online via Microsoft Teams MMed trainee, RMO
PPS Seminar Wed 12.00 - 1.00 pm Online via Microsoft Teams/F2F HO
Grand Ward Round Thu 2.10 - 3.00 pm Face to Face MMed trainee, RMO

Below is a picture of a student seminar presented at the auditorium.

In this picture below, a group of students is engaged in an online presentation at the CME broadcast room.

Master of Medicine (Internal Medicine) expects her trainee to participate in at least 70% of CME activities.  Resident medical officer are expected to attend at least 40% of activities.  Your current attendance standing is displayed in the DoMED application. 

We have a unique way of tabulating attendance score to ensure attendance, where a complete score of 1.0 is only awarded for attendance captured within 10 minutes of commencement of activity. Every 10 minutes late will lead to deduction of 20% of score for that day.

The table below displays the attendance scores