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Internal medicine I (GMT 305) in Phase II Year 3, is a 9-week course. The aim of the course is to enable the students to understand common problems in internal medicine. Clinical ethical issues in patient care will be instilled. Teaching activities comprise of both theoretical and clinical learning which will be delivered via seminars, ward rounds, problem-solving learning, clinic sessions and case presentation. Students are expected to clerk and follow the patients’ progress under their care.

In order to gain hands-on experience with the clerking process, procedures, and patient progress, students must participate in ward rounds and night-calls. Joining ward rounds with the supervising consultants and their team is an invaluable opportunity to enhance one's proficiency in patient care.

Lecturers will supervise each student and track their progress using clinical attendance, logbook, and supervisor’s report. Continuous assessment and end of course examinations will be used to evaluate the students.

Students' understanding, ability to communicate, clinical proficiency, and professional conduct will be evaluated. The forms of continuous assessment will include; Writing a case report, assessment based on a logbook and evaluation provided by the supervisor.

The assessment during the end posting examinations will consist of both theoretical and clinical components.

The theory component consists of:

  1.  Multiple True False Question (MTF)
  2.  Single Best Answer (SBA)
  3.  Scenario Based Question (SBQ)

The clinical component consists of:

  1.  Long Case Assessment
  2.  Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

Students will be briefed by the respective course coordinator at the beginning of each posting

For students and faculty, kindly visit the E-learning portal for more details.