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Clincal Hematology and Hematooncology Unit provides experiential learning for undergraduate medical student and postgraduate trainee. Student participate in blended learning that covers a broad spectrum of haematological disorders and treatment, providing a comprehensive and all-encompassing educational experience.

Masters of Medicine (Int Medicine)

Master of Medicine (Int Med) candidate undergo a 12-weeks rotation in haematology and haematooncology as a part of the requirement.

Trainees are exposed to inpatient treatment for patients with hematological disorders throughout this time. Under supervision, trainees have the opportunity to supervise procedures, inpatient care, and daycare/outpatient care.

Through a dedicated moodle portal, these experiences enhance their online engagement.

CT-guided bone marrow aspiration and biopsy with IR collaboration

Frozen hemopoietic stem cell is being thawed prior to reinfusion

A trip to the lab for a flow cytometry orientation.


From an experiential standpoint, trainees interact with in-patient care, daycare patient evaluations, outpatient clinics, and are exposed to benign and malignant hematological illnesses, hemostatic problems, and transfusion-related difficulties in direct consultation with their lecturers. Students can study uncommon diseases by having access to archive records through an in-house patient electronic record. Social media platforms enable real-time sharing of a single student's experience with other students throughout clinical training.

Hematologi Patient Management System

Build with duality of purpose in mind.  Patient management and student training.

Telegram Group

Lecturer-Student discussion broadcasted for group learning


Students become familiar with cytotoxic therapy, post-chemotherapy care, and its associated problems throughout this time. They also learn how to insert and manage central venous access device.

Being a sincere supporter of formative learning, we don't think posting exams has an end. However, in order to succeed, students must get a minimum score on the continuous assessment.

Other Post Graduate Program

We also received Master of Medicine (Transfusion) candidate for an 8 weeks rotation and Masters in Pathology (Haematology) candidate for a 11 weeks rotation.

Fellowship in Clinical Hematology

USM is one of the recognized training centre for fellowship in clinical haematology in Malaysia. Before moving on to other centers, a prospective applicant may stay attached for around a year.

Examiners briefing during fellowship exam 2023 at USM.