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    Salam and Good Day to all flow cytometry users at Department of Immunology, School of Medical Sciences, USM.

    Below are the guidelines for booking the empty slots for acquisition of flow cytometry sample using Google Calendar:
    1. Click 

    2. Sign up for a new account for new user or login for existing user

    3. Choose empty slots within the booking grid by filling up your:

      • Name
      • Department
      • Supervisor
      • Contact number
      • Experiment details (type of experiment)
      • Number of tubes 

    All users are required to follow the procedures below:

    1. Booking needs to be done a day prior to usage of the flow cytometer.

    2. All appointment MUST be scheduled during working hours.

    *Weekend / public holiday appointment is dependent on the availability of our flow cytometer person in charge (PIC).

    3. Any cancellation MUST be informed immediately by contacting our PIC as follows:

    i) En Azlan Bin Mat Nasir (016-4949416)

    ii) Pn Nik Maziah (012-9006154)

    iii) Pn Roihanah Rashid (014-5057905)

    4. Please bring your own FACS buffer and CD to transfer and save the flow cytometer result.

    Our booking system is to ensure that all users have equal access to our flow cytometry facilities.

    Your co-operation in this matter is highly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Head of Department
    Department of Immunology
    School of Medical Sciences
    Health Campus, USM