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    The following list of textbooks are recommended reading materials for both undergraduate and postgraduate students:

    • Fundamental Immunology. William E. Paul. 1993. Raven Press.
    • Basic & Clinical Immunology. Stites DP, Terr Al, Parslow TG. Preutice-Hall Int.
    • Medical Immunology. Stites, Terr, Parslow 9th. edition, Appleton & Lange, Stamford, Connecticut, USA, 1997, ISSN: 08912076
    • Immunology. Roitt I.M., Brostoff J. and Male D.K. 5th Edition, Morsby 1998, ISBN: 0723421781
    • Essential Immunology. Editor, Ivan Roitt. 7th Edition.
    • Immunobiology: the immune system in Health and Disease. Janeway C.A. et al., 4th Edition, Garland Publishing Co., Yale Univ., New Haven CT, USA 1999, ISBN: 0815332173
    • Clinical Immunology. J Brostoff, Seaddin JK, Male Roitt; 1991, Gower Medical Publiching.
    • Immunology and Inflammation. Sigal. LH, Ron Y. 1994 Mc Graw-Hill Int edition.
    • Essentials of Clinical Immunology. H. Chapel, M Haeney 1993. Blackwell Scientific Publication.
    • Handbook of Immunological investigation. Watson JG. Bird AG. 1990. Wright London
    • Clinical Aspects of Immunology. Lachmann PJ, Peters DK, Rosen FS, Walport MJ. 1993; Vol 1, 2, 3: Blackwell Scientific Publication.
    • Clinical Immunology-Principle and Practice Vol I & II. Robert R. Rich, Thomas A Fleisher, Benyamiin P. Seqartz, William T Shearer, Warren Staber, Mosby. 1996
    • Oxford Handbook of Clinical Immunology. Gavin Spickett. Oxford University Press (ISBN 0-19-262721-X).
    • Immunology for Medical Students. Roderick Nairn & Matthew Helbert. Mosby (ISBN 0-7234-3190-6)
    • Medical Microbiology & Immunology. Levinson W. and Jawetz E.,”, 6th. Edition, McGraw Hill 2000, ISBN: 0071182624
    • How the Immune System Works. Sompayrac L, 1st edition, Blackwell Sci. Inc., Univ. Colorado, USA 1999, ISBN: 0632044136
    • Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Abbas A.K. et al., 4th. Edition, Saunders Co, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2000, ISBN: 0721682332