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    The department actively involves in almost all teaching activities in the Health Campus, both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Undergraduate programmes include the MD programme (PPSP). Postgraduate programmes include Master of Pathology (Clinical Immunology), MSc and PhD (by research). Our teaching inputs in various teaching modules cover both basic and clinical aspects of immunology. At the moment, we are the only institution in this country to offer the Master of Pathology (Clinical Immunology) programme.

    Apart from the above teaching inputs, the department has also been involved in various immunology training/exposure. The laboratory is well equipped with necessary instruments and technologies and has a very conducive environment for research activities and industrial training. Every year we always have students from other Schools and Institutions undertaking their practical attachments/industrial training in our laboratory.

    For laboratory attachment/posting, industrial training, please contact the Head of Department via Dean of the Medical School.