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    Research Instrumentation 

    BD FACSCanto™ II

    BD FACSCanto™ II is equipped with three excitation lasers wavelengths (405nm, 488nm and 640 nm). The Canto II cant detect up to 10 fluorescent parameters with 2 scatter options and is capable of analyzing samples between 100 and 12,000 cells per second. Software is FACS™ Diva generating standard FCS3.0 files for third party software analysis packages


    An upright microscope is used to observe samples such as slides placed on a stage through an objective located above the stage. Nikon provides two types of focusing mechanisms, a focusing stage and a focusing nosepiece, which can mount various intermediate tubes and accessories in a stable manner. Nikon’s upright microscopes offer a wide range of objectives and uniform illumination, providing bright images to the edge of the field of view and faithful color reproduction of the specimen. In addition, they are designed with intuitive and comfortable operability that reduces fatigue even during long-term observation. The diverse lineup supports advanced biological science research, routine examinations, and practical training at educational institutions, providing solutions suitable for a wide range of applications.

    Equipped with LCD and Light Intensity Management (LIM) function based on ECLIPSE Ci-L which is designed with a focus on ease-of-use as well as the health and working styles of people involved in research.