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1. The elective attachment is compulsory for all Year 4 students, in order for the students to graduate. 

2. The USM medical students should choose a placement other than HUSM as their place for elective attachment, except for the inevitable medical reasons, with the approval by the Dean. 

3. USM students at KLE are allowed to choose placements at HUSM and other government hospitals throughout Malaysia and other countries. 

4. USM medical students are also encouraged to choose hospital/centers/units related at oversea, including USM-KLE hospital in order to respond to University's aspirations towards the internationalization of the University. 

5. This elective program must be either clinical, field study or community service oriented with presence of at least Medical Officer as a supervisor. 

6. Students are required to apply for clinical elective placement of their choice after they enter the 4th year academic year, early in the year in order to avoid technical problems that may arise later. 

7. A student is ONLY allowed to propose ONE or TWO postings within 4 weeks of placement whether in a hospitals / health clinics / private clinics / ambulatory center or community center. The suggested breakdown of the week is (3 weeks + 1 week, or 2 weeks + 2 weeks, or 4 weeks). The final decision of the post determination is subject to the discretion of the hospital management / clinic / health office / and so forth and approval by the Elective Committee. 

8. Students can complete the placement forms available at the PPSP Academic Office together with MOH application forms if they plan for elective attachment at government hospital within Malaysia. 

9. Application for placement can be done at some places at: ·        

      • Hospital Ministry of Health Malaysia (which has specialist / medical officer only)·        
      • Armed Forces Hospital·        
      • University Hospital·        
      • Overseas hospitals and Overseas Health Centers·        
      • Health clinics/District clinics·        
      • Hospital or Private Clinic·        
      • Ambulatory Center (Hemodialysis Center, Day Care Center, Complementary Medical Center, etc.)·        
      • Health services / Community with NGOs with the presence of experts / medical officers 

10. For the application for placement at Ministry of Health Hospitals, the candidate MUST also fill the application form that need to be send to MOH/State Health Office. 

11. For the application for placement to University Hospital, candidate must obtain application form by visiting the chosen university's website. 

12. Any costs incurred on all forms of application are under the responsibility of the student him/herself. 

13. Students are responsible for all necessary facilities such as accommodation or transportation arrangement. 

14. USM will issue group insurance to students undergoing the elective placement from the date of elective period and expires 4 weeks later. Please contact the Student Affairs and Alumni Division (BHEPA) for application form and approval of insurance coverage, before starting your elective attachments 

15. Overseas insurance application must be managed by the student himself via BHEPA and must be submitted 2 months before the elective date. 

16. Overseas applications will ONLY be approved once the student gets approval from the university applied. 

17. Application for financial assistance can be done by filling in the form provided in the Academic Office. Only students going to overseas will be considered for some fund assistance, the amount of which will depends on the Elective Committee approval. 

18. Students who apply for overseas settlements must also fill in the application in the country, as a plan B, in order to avoid the absence of a place if the application abroad is rejected. 

19. The learning objectives are to ensure that each student at the end of the program is able to: ·        

      • Relates clinical signs and diagnosis of disease and treatment·        
      • Participate in discussions and give opinions on a given health related issues·        
      • Participate in the team care and be able to respect the group members·
      • Implement the ethical values ​​in patient’s care·        
      • Understand and respect different culture, religious and beliefs of different communities and its impact on health.· 
      • Be able to communicate well and build strong relationship with the health professionals as well as local communities. 

20. At the end of the placement, the student will be assessed based on the assessment by the Field Supervisor and log books as well as the USM Elective Committee. Students are required to submit the filled log book and assessment form by the Field Supervisor, to the Academic Office as soon as possible, after they completed the elective attachment. 

21. Students also encourage to write a case report and publish or present their case report at the local or international conferences. 

22. The students who went overseas, need to present their elective experience in the respective countries, in the PPT form during the first week of year 5. 

23. Students who fail to re-submit the assessment form and logbook are considered FAIL in the Clinical Elective Program and MUST repeat the elective before graduation. 

24. If a student finds that he / she is unable to attend an elective program for health reasons, the student must complete the form provided at the Academic Office and submitted to the Elective Secretariat and / or elective Coordinator. Medical support letter from USM Specialist is also required. Any final decision is subject to the discretion of the Elective Committee and the Dean of PPSP. 

25. The best elective student award (newly introduced) will be chosen based on the assessment form, log books and other achievement as rightly considered and approved by the Elective Committee.