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Message from Deputy Dean (Academic, Career & International)

prof madya dr kamarul1


The Medical Doctor (MD) course is the only undergraduate program run by the School of Medical Sciences (SMS), Universiti Sains Malaysia. The medical program is a challenging journey that demands dedication and perseverance. As medical students, you are embarking on a path that requires a deep commitment to learning and an unwavering work ethic. The knowledge and skills you acquire during this time will form the foundation of your future careers, where the lives of patients will depend on your expertise.

Our curriculum philosophy is based on the SPICES acronym, which stands for S: Student-centered, P: Problem-based learning, I: Integrated, C: Community-based, E: Elective-driven, S: Systematic approach. This approach ensures that our students receive a holistic education that is not only grounded in the theoretical aspects of medicine but also practical and real-world applications. The SPICES model fosters an environment where students are encouraged to participate in their learning actively, develop critical thinking skills, and engage in lifelong learning.

Since 2014, we have also implemented a credit unit and semester-based system, with 188 credit units required for graduation. Students must pass all the courses, including Community, Family, and Case Study (CFCS), clinical electives, and the Professional Examination. Our motto, "Compassionate Professional," embodies our belief that a well-rounded physician not only possesses the necessary medical knowledge and technical skills but also demonstrates empathy, kindness, and a deep concern for the well-being of patients. By embracing these values, you are preparing not just for a career in medicine but for a life dedicated to the service of others.

Help us to help you make your dream come true. Remember, the habits you build now will shape your future practice. By cultivating a strong work ethic and dedication to your studies, you are not only preparing for exams but also for the responsibilities you will hold as a doctor. Take pride in your journey, stay focused, and never lose sight of the impact your efforts will have on the lives of others.

DEPUTY DEAN (Academic, Career & International)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamarul Aryffin Bin Baharuddin