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The first and the second years of this program prepares for basic medical course for the students.  It includes the study of structure, function and biochemical process of a normal human being which form the basis of pathophysiology and clinical basis of diseases in different systems.

A study on bioethics, social health, communication skills, behavioural science, first aid, basic research methodology and the exposure to the clinical environment in the hospital and in community medicine and public health are also provided to the students.



At the end of Phase I, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Obtain basic medical sciences knowledge which cover these topics:
    • normal and abnormal structure and function
    • biochemical and metabolic process
    • pathophysiology of diseases related to the system
    • basic clinical knowledge related to the system
    • bioethics, social health, communication skills and behavioural science
    • first aid
    • molecular biology
    • pharmacology
    • microbiology
    • immunology
    • pathology
    • infectious disease
    • community medicine and public health
    • medical research methodology
  1. Acquire these skills:
    • basic laboratory tests
    • basic clinical skills in the related system
    • critical learning and thinking
    • communication (includes peer and teacher communication, etc)
    • time management
  1. Develop these attitude:
    • motivated
    • discipline
    • self confidence
    • integrity
    • respect for the lecturers and other staff members
  1. Understand the role of a doctor and the attitudes of becoming an ethical doctor.



This program is implemented based on integrated system and not according to disciplines such as Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Immunology, Pathology and etc. The teaching and learning is integrated in order to obtain education yield which are related between the disciplines combined in those courses. The aim is to achieve horizontal and vertical integration so that the understanding of the disease process can be achieved efficiently. Integrated medical teaching would be more meaningful for the students even though it is implemented early in the study because the relevant concepts are stressed on compared to detailed information which is difficult to grasp but nonetheless, irrelevant.

This integrated medical education can give more understanding on the relation between the structure and function of the human body, reactions to injuries, growth and development and some aspects on community medicine and behavioural sciences which form the basic understanding of medical sciences, systemic disease pathophysiological concept and clinical sciences.

There are advantages, if we are to compare the integrated system with the traditional teaching system which uses lectures to teach basic medical sciences subjects. The Integrated System learning method is more meaningful and creates more interest among students because the pathophysiology of diseases and disease symptoms can be understood within the same time of learning basic medical sciences.  The students are supposed to mould their analytical way of thinking as a preparation of learning in Phase II in the future.