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Pharmacology Vascular Laboratory


Professor Dr. Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool, MBBS, PhD

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The Pharmacology Vascular Laboratory (PVL) is part of Pharmacology Department of School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Health Campus. We specialises in doing cardiovascular research that involve collaborations between preclinical (Pharmacology) and clinical departments. These include clinical specialities such as Orthopaedic, Medical, Community Medicine, Family Medicine, Surgical & Reconstructive Sciences, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Cardiology and Paediatrics. 

We conduct research on:

1. Assessment of macrovascular function in humans which includes measurements of arterial stiffness and endothelial function

2. Assessment of microvascular reactivity and endothelial function in humans using laser devices, reactive hyperemia and process of iontophoresis

3. In vitro studies on mechanisms of microvascular dysfunction in humans & animals

4. Cardiovascular risk markers

Among research conducted on medical conditions and interventions at Pharmacology Vascular Laboratory include non-obstructive coronary artery disease, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, gestational diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, glaucoma, pregnancy associated with hypercholesterolemia and age, passive smokers, vitamin D and vitamin E, anti-obesity drugs, in vitro mechanism of endothelial dysfunction.

Equipment and funding for research at the Pharmacology Vascular Laboratory comes from competitive research grants obtained from various sources such as Universiti Sains Malaysia, MOSTI, Ministry of Higher Education, and industry sources. We are also pleased to have numerous research and clinical based post-graduate candidates working with us. Among awards received by students at the Pharmacology Vascular laboratory include Asia Pacific Society of Hypertension Fellowship awards, National Heart Foundation Research Fellowship Award, and best presentations at various Scientific Conferences.


Pharmacology Vascular Laboratory had conducted research that contributed knowledge on many aspects of human vascular health such as the mechanisms, methods of assessment (which includes the micro and large vessels), and factors affecting these measurements. These methods are used in the assessment of a number of medical conditions and interventions for vascular function and cardiovascular risk. These contributes knowledge useful for understanding diseases; we are confident that collaborations amongst basic scientists with clinicians generates not only academic, but also knowledge that will eventually benefit clinical practice.

  • Prevalence of nitric oxide synthesis and Beta-2 receptor polymorphisms and relationship of these polymorphisms to models assessing endothelial function.
  • Large arterial stiffness and microvascular function in women with gestational diabetes.
  • Pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions beneficial in reducing cardiovascular risk in obese patients.
  • Obesity intervention outcome:
  • The effect of Pharmacological Intervention in failed lifestyle intervention
  • Weight loss maintenance with cessation of pharmacological intervention
  • Role of endothelial contracting and relaxing factors in the mechanism of endothelial dysfunction in subcutaneous arteries (microvasculature) of diabetic patients.
  • The role of lymphocyte subsets and its antigens, adhesion molecules, serum proteins, vascular stiffness and reactivity on the pathogenesis of rheumatic heart disease.
  • The implication of overweight on microvascular endothelial function assessed using iontophoresis – laser Doppler Fluximetry measurement model.
  • The effect of periodontal therapies on the arterial stiffness, serum C-reactive protein levels and white blood cell count: A randomised controlled clinical trial.
  • Understanding the mechanism of actions of 1 α-calcidol on arterial stiffness, microvascular endothelial function, inflammation and proteinuria in type 2 diabetic patients with nephropathy.
  • Effect on blood pressure profile and cardiovascular biomarkers among passive smokers following free smoke exposure.
  • The relationship between hair nicotine level and smoking dependence with leptin among healthy male smokers.
  • The effect of Cabergoline on Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Arterial Stiffness and hsCRP in Overweight/Obese patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
  • A Study on the effect of arterial stiffness, ocular perfusion pressure and genetics on the severity and progression of glaucoma.
  • Arterial stiffness and cardiovascular risk among hypertensive patients in primary health care
  • Role of endothelial contracting and relaxing factors in the mechanism of endothelial function in microvasculature of diabetic patients.  
  • Microvascular perfusion and endothelial function changes with arteriovenous fistula creation in chronic kidney disease.
  • Dr Nik Nor Izah. Endothelial microparticles as a surrogate biomarker of endothelial dysfunction in hypercholesterolaemia and its correlation with pulse wave analysis.  
  • Dr Low Jen Hou. Effect of vitamin D supplementation on vascular function of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.    
  • Understanding development of vasculopathy in diabetic microcirculation – Role of endothelial prostanoids, prostacylin, and nitric oxide.           
  • Dr Sahran. The effects of vitamin D deficiency on microvascular endothelial function of diabetic patients
  • Dr Nik Nor Izah. Endothelial microparticles as potential biomarkers for endothelial dysfunction in Hypercholesterolemic patients subjected to statin.
  • Diabetic Microvasculopathy; The Role of Vitamin D Deficiency on Microvascular Tissue Endothelial Function, Oxidative Stress, and Renin Angiotensin System.
  • The effect of methanolic extract of Clinacanthus Nutans on Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression and distribution in vascular tissue of high fat diet / low-dose Streptozotocin-induced Type-2 model diabetic Rats.
  • Dr Siti Safiah. Elucidating the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress on early vasculopathy, insulin resistance and oxidative stress in type-2 diabetes. Ministry of Higher Education Grant.
  • Dr Wan Yus. Understanding mechanism for ischemic chest pain in non-obstructive coronary artery disease: Roles of the microvasculature and coronary inflammation. Ministry of Higher Education grant
  • Dr Siti Safiah. Roles of Gut Microbiota on Endothelial Insulin Resistance and Inflammation in Microcirculation of High Fat Diet-induced Obese Rats
  • Wong AR, Rasool Aida H, Abidin NZ, Noor AR, Quah BS. 2006. Sildenafil as treatment for Human Immunodeficiency Virus related pulmonary hypertension in a child. J Paediatr Child Health, 42(3); 147-8.

  • Yvonne-Tee GB, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool, Ahmad Sukari Halim, ARA Rahman. 2006. Noninvasive assessment of cutaneous vascular function in vivo using capillaroscopy, plethysmography and laser-Doppler instruments: Its strengths and weaknesses. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 34 (4); 457-73.

  • Rasool Aida H, Yuen KH, Yusoff K, Wong AR, Rahman AR.  Dose dependent elevation of plasma tocotrienol levels and its effect on arterial compliance, plasma total antioxidant status, and lipid profile in healthy humans supplemented with tocotrienol rich vitamin E.  J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 52 (6); 473-8.

  • Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool, Abdul Rahim Wong.  2007. Tocotrienol rich vitamin E – a review of clinical studies. International Medical Journal, 14 (2); 139-143.

  • Rehman A, Rasool Aida H, Naing L, Roshan TM, Rahman AR. 2007. Influence of the Angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene 1166A>C Polymorphism on BP and Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity Among Malays.  Annals of Human Genetics, 71 (Pt 1); 86-95.

  • Ibrahim NN, Rasool Aida H, Wong AR, Rahman AR. 2007. Method Optimisation to assess endothelial function in females – duration of glyceryl trinitrate effect.  Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 29 (5); 349-52.

  • Yvonne-Tee GB, Aida H Rasool, Halim AS, Wong AR, Rahman AR. 2008. Method optimization on the use of post occlusive hyperemia model to assess microvascular function. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc, 38 (2); 119-33.

  • Abdul Rahim Wong, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool, Nurul Zaynah Nordin. 2007. Infective endocarditis in a child with a ventricular septal defect and aortic regurgitation: a case report.  International Medical Journal, 13 (4); 299-302.

  • AR Wong, SA Mokhtar, SN Shibramulisi, Aida HG Rasool, D Roberton, BS Quah. 2007. Pulmonary haemosiderosis with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in a Malaysian child. Med J Malaysia,  62 (4); 352-354.

  • Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool, ARA Rahman, Kah Hay Yuen, Abdul Rahim Wong. 2008. Arterial Compliance and vitamin E blood levels with a self emulsifying preparation of tocotrienol rich vitamin E. Arch Pharm Res, 31 (9); 1212-1217.

  • Abdul Rahim Wong, Nabil AbdurRazak, Saad Mohammad, Al-Hadlaq, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool, Abdullah Al-Jarallah. 2009. Supraventricular tachycardia from a left bundle branch block - An unusual presentation of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Curr Pediatr Res 2009; 13(1 & 2): 1-3.

  • Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool, Dzuzaini Mohd Ghazali, HaswatiAbdullah, Ahmad Sukari Halim, Abd. Rahim Wong. 2009.  Endothelial nitric oxide synthase G894T gene polymorphism and response to skin reactive hyperemia. Microvasc Res. 78: 230 – 234.

  • Ibrahim NN, Rasool Aida H, Wong AR, Abdul Rahman AR. 2009. Prevalence of beta-2 adrenergic receptor polymorphisms and its influence on a model used to assess endothelial function using pulse wave analysis (PWA). Clin Chim Acta. 409: 62-66.

  • Al-Tahami BA, Yvonne-Tee GB, Halim AS, Ismail AA, Rasool AHG.  2010. Reproducibility of laser doppler fluximetry and the process of iontophoresis in assessing microvascular endothelial function using low current strength. Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology. 32 (3): 181-185

  • Rasool Aida HG, Rahman ASA, Ghaffar NAA, Mahmood NMZN, Wong AR.  2010. Abnormal microvascular reactivity with hypercholesterolemia in pregnancy. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, 17 (4):  14-19.

  • Salmi AA, Nor Aliza G, Nik Mohd Zaki NM, Wong AR, Rasool Aida HG.  Older age groups in pregnancy is associated with increased arterial stiffness. Med J Malaysia, 65 (no.2); 115-118.

  • Al-Tahami BA, Bee YT, Ismail AA, Rasool AH. 2011. Impaired microvascular endothelial function in relatively young obese humans is associated with altered metabolic and inflammatory markers. Clin Hemorrheol Microcirc. 47 (2): 87-97.

  • Belqes Al-Tahami, Tee GB, AS Halim, AA Al-Safi, Aida Hanum G Rasool. 2011. Method Optimisation of laser doppler fluximetry and iontophoresis in assessment of microvascular endothelial function.  Mal. J Medicine and Health Sciences. 7 (1):  35-40

  • NNI Nik Ibrahim, Rasool AH, AR Wong, ARA Rahman. 2011. Reference values for SphygmoCor measurements in a healthy Malay population. Proceeding of 16thnational Conference on Medical and Halth Sciences, 177 - 180. ISBN: 978-967-5547-35-5

  • Salmi AA, Zaki NM, Zakaria R, Nor Aliza AG, Rasool Aida H. 2012. Arterial stiffness, inflammatory and pro-atherogenic markers in gestational diabetes mellitus. VASA-European Journal of Vascular Medicine, 41 (2):96-104.

  • Z Sanip, Farah Diana, Aida Hanum Rasool et al. Obesity indices and metabolic markers are related to hsCRP and adiponectin levels in overweight and obese females. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice. 7 (4): e315-320.

  • Munisamy S, Kamaliah MD, Suhaidarwani AH, Zahiruddin WM, Rasool AH. Impaired microvascular endothelial function in Vitamin D deficient diabetic nephropathy patients. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown). 2013 Jun; 14(6):466-71. ISI impact factor: 2.657

  • Farah Diana A, Ismail AAA, Vina Tan, Zurkurnai Yusoff, Siti Azima Awang, Wan Rimei, Wan Abdul Rani, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool. 2013. Improved insulin sensitivity, central systolic pressure and inflammatory indicators achieved with minor weight reduction in overweight and obese subjects given education on lifestyle modification. Asian Biomedicine 2014, 8 (2): 185-194.

  • Belqes Abdullah Mohammad Al-Tahami, Ab Aziz Al-Safi Ismail, Yvonne Tee Get Bee, Siti Azima Awang, Wan Rimei Salha Wan Abdul Rani, Zulkefli Sanip, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool. 2015. The effects of anti-obesity intervention with orlistat and sibutramine on microvascular endothelial function. Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation. 59 (4): 323-334. ISI impact factor 2.242

  • SS Mokhtar, PM Vanhoutte, WS Leung, MI Yusof, WA Wan Sulaiman, AZ Mat Saad, R Suppian, Aida Hanum G Rasool. 2013. Reduced expression of prostacyclin synthase and nitric oxide synthase in subcutaneous arteries of type 2 diabetic patients. Tohoku journal of Experimental Medicine (Japan). 231: 217-222.

  • Norhayati MN, Hanif I, Rasool AH. 2014. Carotid femoral pulse wave velocity assessment amongs 10-year cardiovascular risk groups of hypertensive patients in primary health care. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine and Public Health. Pg 286-295. 6(11)

  • Siti Safiah Mokhtar, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool. Role of Endothelium-Dependent Hyperpolarization and Prostacyclin in Diabetes. Med J Med Sci. 22 (2): 8-17.

  • Norhayati MN, Hanif I, Rasool Aida Hanum. Association between carotid femoral pulse wave velocity with cardiovascular disease risk factors and Framingham coronary disease risk prediction score among hypertensive patients in primary health care. Intern J Collab Res Intern Med Public Health. 7 (4): 72-81

  • Herbert A, Cruickshnak JK, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Reference Values for Arterial Measurements Collaboration. 2014. Establishing reference values for central blood pressure and its amplification in a general healthy population and according to cardiovascular risk factors. Eur Heart J. 2014 Nov 21; 35 (44): 3122-33.

  • Zulkefli Sanip, Belqes Abdullah Mohammad Al-Tahami, Farah Diana Ariffin, Noor Salwah S Omar, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool. 2015. Effect of Orlistat and Sibutramine cessation on obesity indices and cardiovascular risk factors in obese subjects. International Medical Journal. 20 (4): 232-236.

  • Zulkefli Sanip, Siti Hajar Mohd Hanaffi, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool, Harmy Mohamed Yusoff. The Effects of Secondhand Smoke (SHS) Exposure on Microvascular Endothelial Function among Healthy Women. Tobacco induced diseases, 13 (32).

  • Seetha Munisamy, Kamaliah Md Daud, Siti Safiah Mokhtar, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool. 2016. Effects of 1α-Calcidol on microvascular endothelial function, arterial stiffness and BP in type II diabetic nephropathy patients. Microcirculation. 23: 53-61

  • Sanip Z, Zulhusni S, Rasool AH, Harmy MY. Relationship between Hair Nicotine Levels with Blood Pressure, Body Composition, Lipid Profile and Leptin among Healthy Male Smokers in Kelantan. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences. 11 (1): 50-55

  • SS Mokhtar, PM Vanhoutte, SW Leung, R Suppian, MI Yusof, Aida H Rasool. 2016. Reduced Nitric Oxide-mediated Relaxation and Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression in the Tail Arteries of Streptozotocin-induced Diabetes rats. European Journal of Pharmacology. 773; 78-8.

  • Siti Safiah Mokhtar, Paul M. Vanhoutte, Susan Wai Sum Leung, Mohd Imran Yusof, Wan Azman Wan Sulaiman, Arman Zaharil Mat Saad, Rapeah Suppian, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool. 2016. Endothelium Dependent Hyperpolarization-Type Relaxation Compensates for Attenuated Nitric Oxide-Mediated Responses in Subcutaneous Arteries of Diabetic Patients. Nitric oxide – Biology and Chemistry, 53: 35-44.

  • Kamruzzaman SM, Aida Hanum G Rasool. 2016. Role of collagen, thrombin and adenosine diphosphate as agonists in platelet aggregation. International Medical Journal. 23 (2): 162-165.

  • NNI Nik Ibrahim, Hayati J, Aida Hanum G Rasool, AR Wong. 2016. Arterial stiffness during acute and recovery phases of children with rheumatic fever. Med J Malaysia, 71 (1): 23-25.

  • Bukhari SM, Kiu KY, Thambiraja R, Sulong S, Rasool AH, Liza-Sharmini AT.Eye (London). Microvascular endothelial function and severity of primary open angle glaucoma. 2016. 30 (12): 1579-1587

  • Mokhtar, S. S. and Rasool, A. H. 2017. Plant-derived foods containing polyphenols with endothelial protective effects – a review. International Food Research Journal 24(2): 471-482 .

  • Al-Tahami BAM, Ismail AAA, Sanip Z, Yusoff Z, Shihabudin TMTM, Singh TSP, Rasool AHG. 2017. Metabolic and inflammatory changes with orlistat and sibutramine treatment in obese Malaysian subjects. Journal of Nippon Medical School. 84 (3): 125-132.

  • Nik Nor Izah Nik Ibrahim, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool. 2017. Assessment of macrovascular endothelial function using pulse wave analysis and its association with microvascular reactivity in healthy subjects. Skin Research & Technology. 23 (3): 321-325.

  • Wee Chee Lee, Siti Safiah Mokhtar, Setha Munisamy, Sahran Yahaya, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool. 2018. Vitamin D status and oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus. Cellular and Molecular biology. 64 (7): 60-69.

  • Mohd H Siti Hajar, Sanip Zulkefli, Shaaban Juwita, Mohd Noor Norhayati, Mohd Yusoff Siti Suhaila, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool, Mohamed Yusoff Harmy. 2019. Metabolic, inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in women exposed to secondhand smoke. PeerJ.

  • Rahman Aisyah, Munisamy Seetha, Noraliza Ghaffar, Nik Zaki Nik Mahmood, Aida HG Rasool. 2019. Impaired microvascular reactivity in gestational diabetes is associated with altered glycemic parameters. Vol 26, Issue 1, Article number e12513.

  • Chai SC, Sulaiman WW, Saad AZ, Rasool AH, Shokri AA. 2018. Skin Microcirculatory Changes in Relation to Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation. Indian J Nephrol. 28: 421-6

  • Ahmad Khusairi Azemi , Siti Safiah Mokhtar , Low Jen Hou , Sharifah Emilia Tuan Sharif & Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool (2020): Model for type 2 diabetes exhibits changes in vascular function and structure due to vascular oxidative stress and inflammation, Biotechnic & Histochemistry.

  • Ahmad Khusairi Azemi, Siti Safiah Mokhtar, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool. 2020. Clinicanthus nutans leaves extract reverts endothelial dysfunction in type 2 diabetes rats by improving protein expression of eNOS. Oxidative Medicine & Cellular Longevity. Vol 2020, article ID7572892.

  • Sagir Mustapha, Mohammed Mustapha, Ismaeel Yunusa, Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool, Siti Safiah Mokhtar. 2020. Potential risks of endoplasmic reticulum stress on vasculopathy in diabetes. Obesity Medicine. 19 (2020) 100274.

  • Wee CL, Mokhtar SS, Singh KKB, Yahaya S, Leung SWS, Rasool AH. Calcitriol supplementation ameliorates microvascular endothelial dysfunctin in vitamin D-deficient diabetic rats by upregulating the vascular eNOS protein expression and reducing oxidative stress. Oxidative Medicine and Celular Longevity. Vol 2021, article no: 3109294

  • Sagir Mustapha, Mustapha Mohammed, Ahmad A. Khusairi, Ismaeel Yunusa, Aishatu Shehu, Lukman Mustapha, Yusuf Wada, Mubarak H. Ahmad, Wan Amir N. Wan Ahmad, Aida H. Ghulam Rasool, Siti Safiah Mokhtar. 2021. Potential roles of endoplasmic reticulum stress and cellular proteins implicated in diabesity. Oxidative Medicine & Cellular Longevity.

  • Miza H, Zulkefli S, Aida Hanum Rasool, Wan Bebakar, Wan Mohd Izani, The Effects of Cabergoline on Vascular Indices in Overweight and Obese Type 2 Diabetes Patients. 2021. Accepted Asian Journal of Medicine and Biomedicine.

  • Liza Sharmini, Aida Hanum Rasool et al. Ocular Perfusion pressure and severity of glaucoma: is there a link. 2021. Accpeted Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice.


  • Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool, Jafri Malin Abdullah. Chapter 17: Spontaneous Hemorrhagic Stroke. Pages 143-151. Mohler ER, Townsend RR eds. Advanced Therapy in Hypertension and Vascular Disease. BC Decker Inc (Hamilton, Canada)
  • Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool, AA Al-Safi, Farah Diana A. 2011. Tips dan kawalan Obesiti (Obesity prevention and management tips). Booklet: ISBN: 978-967-5547-26-3.
  • Aida Hanum Ghulam Rasool. Tocotrienols and Arterial Compliance.Book title: Tocotrienols: Vitamin E Beyond Tocopherols – Second Edition. Editors: Barrie Tan, Watson R, Preedy VR. In press, for 2012. Publisher: Taylor and Francis (US).

Isolating blood vessels for in-vitro studies

Assessment of central aortic pressure and arterial stiffness

Arterial stiffness and microvascular endothelial function in glaucoma patients, trainee specialists from Ophthalmology Department

Assessment of microvascular endothelial function using Laser Doppler fluximetry and process of iontophoresis

In vitro vascular function studies

Some of the early post graduate students of Pharmacology Vascular laboratory.

With Associate Professor Susan Leung, collaborator from Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong