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Master of Community Medicine

Master in Community Medicine (M.Comm.Med) programme was started in 1998 and developed into a popular program with intake averaging 6-10 candidates each year. The first batch of the M.Comm.Med graduated in 2002 and the last batch was graduated in 2012. During this period more than 80 specialists were produced in the various field of public health i.e. Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Health System Management, Occupational Health, Environmental Health, Family Health and Community Oral Health.

 It was a 4 years programme with Year 1 consists of general public health topics followed by Professional 1 Examination, Year 2 consists of Disease Control block and speciality topics followed by Professional 2 Examination. The exit examination or Professional 3 Examination would be held at Year 4 after student had satisfactorily submitted his/her dissertation. Professional 3 Examination was viva voce session to defend the dissertation.

During the entire programme, candidates were also underwent attachment at Ministry of Health Headquarters in Putrajaya for 6 weeks, and at the district health office for 10 months duration. Candidates also had attachment to the various agencies according their specility.

The programme was put on hold after the 1+3 programme (MPH and DrPH) was introduced in 2008.