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Dr. Agustine Nengsih bt. Said @ Fauzi


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

No. Phone: 09-7676485



Norzila Zakaria, Ahmad Shahril Ab. Halim, Ramiza Ramza Ramli, Raishan Shafini Bakar, Agustine Nengsih Fauzi, Nur Fazimah Sahran, Mohd Noor Mamat (2020). OBSERVE YOUR CHILD ABLUTION; THEY COULD HAVE OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDERS.

2009 - 2013

1.     Nik Soriani Yaacob, Agustine NengsihMohd Nor Norazmi. (2013). Tualang honey promotes apoptotic cell death induced by tamoxifen in breast cancer cell lines. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2013, 989841.


2.       Fauzi, A. N., Norazmi, M. N. & Yaacob, N. S. (2011). Tualang honey induces apoptosis and disrupts the mitochondrial membrane potential of human breast and cervical cancer cell lines. Food Chem Toxicol, 49(4), 871-8.

3.       Fauzi, A.N., Mustaffa, M & Zainuddin, Z.F. (2009). Construction and immunogenicity study of a newly construct DNA vaccine candidate against tuberculosis in mice. Asia Pasific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, 17: 1.


1.       Fauzi, A. N., Norazmi, M. N. & Yaacob, N. S. (2014). Differential modulation of apoptotic signaling pathways by Tualang honey in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. International Conference on Natural Products 2014. 18-19 March 2014. Putrajaya, Malaysia.

2.       Fauzi, A. N., Norazmi, M. N. & Yaacob, N. S. (2012). Tualang honey differentially affects TAM-induced cell cycle arrest in ER-postive and ER-negative human breast cancer cells. 17th National Conference on Medical and Health Sciences, 27-28 May 2012, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

3.       Fauzi, A. N., Yaacob, N. S. & Sirajudeen, K. N. S. (2012). Effect of Tualang honey on the activities of antioxidant enzymes and hydrogen peroxide levels in breast cancer cell line. 17th National Conference on Medical and Health Sciences, 27-28 May 2012, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

A.P. Dr. Tuan Salwani Tuan Ismail




Tuan Salwani Tuan Ismail1, Siong Hu Wong2, Mohd Hadizie Din3, Zulkarnain Mustapha1, Juhara Haron4, Ahmad Badruridzwanullah Bin Zun. (2020). Correlation of Vitamin D with bone mineral density by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan among healthy Malay adult.
T Salwani T Ismail, W Nor Asyikin W Abdullah, Salbiah Isa, Aniza M Jelani, Najib Majdi, Julia Omar, Harmy Yusuff, Hasenan Nordin. A study on serum Magnesium level in patients with Type 2 Diabetes in HUSM, Kelantan. 17th National Conference on Medical & Health Sciences 2012 
W N Asyikin W Abdullah, Tan Say Koon, KNS Sirajudeen, Salbiah Isa, T Salwani T Ismail, Najib Majdi YaacobJulia Omar, Rusli Abdullah. Diagnostic value of cardiac Troponin T for the detection of acute myocardial infarction. 17th National Conference on Medical & Health Sciences 2012
Salbiah Isa, Lau Yoke Chie, Noraida Ramli, WN Asyikin, Aniza Jelani, T Salwani T ismail, Najib Majdi, Julia Omar, Rusli Abdullah. Diagnostic performance of Procalcitonin in comparison with CRP as a laboratory marker of sepsis in neonates admitted to NICU, HUSM. 17th National Conference on Medical & Health Sciences 2012.

Dr. Azalina Zainuddin


email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone number: 09-767 6509 (Office)

Research area: Anti-aging and Antioxidant


In vitro modulation of extracellular matrix genes by stingless bee honey in cellular aging of human dermal fibroblast cells.

2010 - 2013

1.AzalinaZainuddin, KienHuiChua, NorhaziraAbdul Rahim, SuzanaMakpol. 2010. Effects of experimental treatment on GAPDH mRNA expression as a housekeeping gene in human diploid fibroblasts. BMC Molecular Biology 11: 59.
2. SuzanaMakpol, AzalinaZainuddin, NorhaziraAbdul Rahim, YasminAnumMohdYusof, Wan ZurinahWan Ngah. 2010. Alpha-tocopherolModulates Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced DNA Damage and Telomere Shortening of Human Skin Fibroblasts Derived from Differently Aged Individuals. PlantaMedica76(9): 869-875.

3. SuzanaMakpol, Nadia Yaacob, AzalinaZainuddin, YasminAnumMohdYusof, Wan ZurinahWan Ngah. 2009. Chlorella vulgarismodulates hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage and telomere shortening of human fibroblasts derived from different aged individuals. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines: 6(4): 560-72.

4. MakpolS, ZainuddinA, Chua KH, YusofYA, NgahWZ. 2012. Gamma-tocotrienolmodulation of senescence-associated gene expression prevents cellular aging in human diploid fibroblasts. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 67(2): 135-43.

5. SuzanaMakpol, AzalinaZainuddin, KienHuiChua. 2012. GAPDH expression as a measurement of transfectionefficiency for p16INK4a gene silencing (siRNA) in senescent human diploid fibroblasts. American Journal of Molecular Biology. 2: 390-397.

6. Makpol S, Zainuddin A, Chua KH, Mohd Yusof YA, Ngah WZ. 2013. Gamma-tocotrienol modulated gene expression in senescent human diploid fibroblasts as revealed by microarray analysis. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 454328.

Dr. Nur Arnida Mohd. Safuwan


Education records:

PhD in Biochemical Sciences, University of Surrey (2013)

MSc Clinical Biochemistry with Molecular Biology, University of Surrey (2008)

Bachelor of Health Sciences (Biomedicine) (Honours), UniversitiSainsMalaysia (2005)

Research interest:

Exploration of cell cycle regulation for biomarker development in drug-resistant cancer


Proteomics analysis of ovarian cancer cell lines and tissues reveals drug resistance-associated proteins (Cancer Genomics-Proteomics 2017).

Safuwan, N. M., T. Crook, et al. (2012). "Cell Cycle Regulation Changes in Drug-Resistant Cancers." European Journal of Cancer 48: 160.

Epigenetics, cell cycle and drug-resistant ovarian cancer (Cancer Research 2012).

Coley, H., N. A. M. Safuwan, et al. (2012). "The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57Kip2 is epigenetically regulated in carboplatin resistance and results in collateral sensitivity to the CDK inhibitor seliciclibin ovarian cancer." British journal of cancer 106(3): 482-489.

Absence of p57Kip2 as a new biomarker of chemoresponsiveness in epithelial ovarian cancer (Cancer Research 2010).

Contact details:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone (office): +09767 6475

Dr. Tengku Ahmad Damitri Al-Astani Tengku Din



Evaluation of NMU-induced Breast Cancer Treated with Sirolimus and Sunitinib on Breast Cancer Growth.

Rajaratinam, H., Rasudin, N. S., Astani, A., Damitri, T. A., Mokhtar, N. F., Yahya, M. M., ... & Mohd Fuad, W. E. Breast cancer therapy affects the expression of antineonatal Nav1. 5 antibodies in the serum of patients with breast cancer. Oncology Letters, 21(2), 1-1.

Shan, H. Z., Haron, J., Yahya, M. M., Rahman, W. F. W. A., & Al-astani, T. A. D. (2020). Breast cancer in young pregnancy: A management dilemma. Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences (JBCS), 5(2), 7-11.

 Microvessel density and vascular endothelial growth factor receptors in breast carcinoma under the influence of rapamycin and platelet factor 4.