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Norzila Zakaria, Ahmad Shahril Ab. Halim, Ramiza Ramza Ramli, Raishan Shafini Bakar, Agustine Nengsih Fauzi, Nur Fazimah Sahran, Mohd Noor Mamat (2020). OBSERVE YOUR CHILD ABLUTION; THEY COULD HAVE OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDERS.

2009 - 2013

1.     Nik Soriani Yaacob, Agustine NengsihMohd Nor Norazmi. (2013). Tualang honey promotes apoptotic cell death induced by tamoxifen in breast cancer cell lines. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2013, 989841.


2.       Fauzi, A. N., Norazmi, M. N. & Yaacob, N. S. (2011). Tualang honey induces apoptosis and disrupts the mitochondrial membrane potential of human breast and cervical cancer cell lines. Food Chem Toxicol, 49(4), 871-8.

3.       Fauzi, A.N., Mustaffa, M & Zainuddin, Z.F. (2009). Construction and immunogenicity study of a newly construct DNA vaccine candidate against tuberculosis in mice. Asia Pasific Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, 17: 1.


1.       Fauzi, A. N., Norazmi, M. N. & Yaacob, N. S. (2014). Differential modulation of apoptotic signaling pathways by Tualang honey in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. International Conference on Natural Products 2014. 18-19 March 2014. Putrajaya, Malaysia.

2.       Fauzi, A. N., Norazmi, M. N. & Yaacob, N. S. (2012). Tualang honey differentially affects TAM-induced cell cycle arrest in ER-postive and ER-negative human breast cancer cells. 17th National Conference on Medical and Health Sciences, 27-28 May 2012, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

3.       Fauzi, A. N., Yaacob, N. S. & Sirajudeen, K. N. S. (2012). Effect of Tualang honey on the activities of antioxidant enzymes and hydrogen peroxide levels in breast cancer cell line. 17th National Conference on Medical and Health Sciences, 27-28 May 2012, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia.