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Mohd-Zahid, M. H., Mohamud, R., Abdullah, C. A. C., Lim, J., Alem, H., Hanaffi, W. N. W., & Iskandar, Z. A. (2020). Colorectal cancer stem cells: a review of targeted drug delivery by gold nanoparticles. RSC Advances, 10(2), 973-985.!divAbstract

1996 - 2010

Al-Joudi, F.S. & Iskandar, Z.A. (2010). Bcl-2 expression and clinical pathological correlations in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia. 8(2):59-64.

Al-Joudi, F.S., Iskandar, Z.A. & Rusli, J. (2008). The expression of p53 in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast: A study in the North-East states of Malaysia. Med.J.Malaysia. 63(2): 96-99.  PUBMED ID 18942291.

Al-Joudi, F.S., Iskandar, Z.A., Hasnan, J., Rusli, J., Kamal, Y., Abdul-Hamid, M.S., Imran, A.K., Ahmad, M. & Zakaria, J. (2007). Expression of survivin and its clinicopathological correlations in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast.  Singapore Medical Journal 48(7): 607-614. (Received Best Research Paper Award 2007). PubMed ID: 17609820.(

Al-Jouldi, F.S., Iskandar, Z.A. & Imran, A.K. (2007).  Correlations in survivin expression with the expression of p53 and bcl-2 in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast.  Southest Asian J. Trop. Med. Public Health. 38(5): 904-910.( PubMed ID: 18041310;

Al-Joudi, F.S., Iskandar, Z.A. & Imran, A.K. (2007). Survivin expression correlates with unfavourable prognoses in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. Medical Journal of .Malaysia.62(1): 6-8.  (

Al-Joudi, F.S. & Iskandar, Z.A. (2006). Autoantibodies to survivin in the sera of patients with infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast. Medical Journal of Malaysia 61(3): 302-306.(

Iskandar, Z.A. & Al-Joudi, F.S. (2006). Expression of survivin in fetal and in adult normal tissues of rat. Malaysia Journal of Pathology28(2): 101-105.

Al-Joudi, F.S., Iskandar, Z.A. & Samsudin, A.R. (2005). The effects of chemotherapeutic drugs on viability, apoptosis, and survivin expression in MCF-7 cells. Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica, Japan. 38(5): 323-330

Iskandar, Z.A., Zaleha, M.I., Khalid, B.A.K. & Osman, A. (2002). The effect of increased consumption of edible palm oil on the nutritional status, lipid profiles and lipid peroxidation among Malaysia aborigines. Mal. J. Nutr. 8(2): 137-156.

Ismarulyusda I, Osman A .,Jamaludin, M., Zaleha M.I., Khairul O., Iskandar Z.A., Mohd Naim A.K. & Khalid B.A.K. (2001). Selenium and Thyroid Function. Sains Malaysiana 30: 153-165. (

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA & Khalid BAK. (2000). The effect of iodised oil supplementation on thyroid hormones levels and mental performance among Orang Asli school children and pregnant mother in an endemic goitre area in Peninsular Malaysia. Asia Pacific J. Clin Nutrition9(4): 274-281.

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA, Sazali S, Mohd. Ali M, Roslan I & Khalid BAK. (1998). The supplementation of levothyroxine among indigenous people in endemic goitre areas : the impact of therapy. Asia Pacific J Clin Nutr7(2): 138-150.

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA, Zainuddin B, Mohd. Ali M & Khalid BAK. (1997). The effect of thyroxine supplemantation on clinical and nutritional status - a study among the aborigines in Lanai Post, Pahang. Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrines Society.  16(1): 37-48.

Osman Ali, Zaleha MI, Iskandar ZA, Tan TT, Ali MM, Roslan I dan Khalid BAK. (1996). Levels of thyroxine, TSH, Thyroid volume, and mental performance among Orang Asli in selected settlements in Malaysia. East African Medical Journal. 73(4): 259-263. (PubMed ID: 8706612).

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA & Khalid BAK. (1996). Knowledge on goitre: a comparison between remote inland and coastal areas. Akademika  47: 49-55.

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA, Zainuddin B, Mohd. Ali M & Khalid BAK. (1996). Prevalence of goiter and mental performance amongst Aborigines in Sinderut, Pahang. Sains Malaysiana. 25(2): 51-58. (

Chapter in Books/Magazines

Osman Ali & Iskandar Zulkarnain. Pemakanan dari kaca mata Islam. We Care; Apr-June 1994.

Records of Papers presented at Conference/Seminars/Workshops locally or   oversea

Iskandar ZA& Al-Joudi, FS. (2005). The effects of chemotherapeutic drugs on cell viability, apoptosis, and survivin expression in the human breast cancer cell line, MCF-7. Proceedings of the 9th National Conference of Medical Sciences, USM, Kota Bharu, Malaysia, 23-24rd, June, 2005.

Iskandar ZA& Al-Joudi, FS. (2005). Survivin expression in fetal and adult normal tissues of mouse and rat. Proceedings of the 9th National Conference of Medical Sciences, USM, Kota Bharu, Malaysia, 23-24rd, June, 2005.

Al-Joudi F.S. and Iskandar Z.A Development of an immunohistochemical assay for the detection of survivin in tissues using selected  oligopeptides and comparing two immunization protocols, Proceedings of the 9th National Conference of Medical Sciences, USM, Kota Bharu, Malaysia, 22-23rd, May, 2004.

Ismarulyusda, Osman A, Zaleha MI, Khairul O, Iskandar ZA, Muhammad Ali M, Roslan I and Khalid BAK. Is zinc one of the factor for growth retardation. 14th. Scientific Conference of Nutrition Society of Malaysia. Mach 1999 Kuala Lumpur.

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA, Khalid BAK. Suplementasi minyak beriodin secara oral : kesannya ke atas komuniti umum orang Asli di Lasah, Sungai Siput (U), Perak. 5th.Community Health National colloquim Oct. 1998. Kuala Lumpur.

Ismarulyusda, Osman A, Zaleha MI, Khairul O, Iskandar ZA, Muhammad Ali M, Roslan I and Khalid BAK. Serum magnesium status among aborigines in Sungai Siput (U) Perak. 5th.Community Health National colloquim Oct. 1998. Kuala Lumpur .

Ismarulyusda, Osman A, Zaleha MI, Khairul O, Iskandar ZA, Muhammad Ali M, Roslan I and Khalid BAK. Serum Zinc status among aborigines children and pregnant mothers in Sungai Siput (U) Perak. Second MOH-AM scientific conference. Nov. 1998 Kuala Lumpur

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA, Khalid BAK. The effect of iodised oil supplementation on thyroid hormone levels, nutritional status and mental performance among the aborigines school children in Lasah, Sungai Siput Perak. Paper presented at 2nd. MOH-AM. Nov 1998. Kuala Lumpur.

Iskandar ZA, Osman A, Zaleha MI, Jamalludin M, Roslan I and Khalid BAK. The effect of palm oil intake on lipid profile among Orang Asli in Tual Post, Kuala Lipis, Pahang. Second MOH-AM scientific conference. Nov. 1998 Kuala Lumpur

Osman Ali, Zaleha, Iskandar ZA & Ruzita AT. Iodine Deficiency Disorder. Research exhibition UKM scholar week. June 1997.

Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA, Zaleha MI, Muhamad Ali M, Roslan I & Khalid BAK. The Effect of palm oil intake on the nutritional status and blood lipids among the aborigines in Malaysia. 16th. International Congress of Nutrition, Montreal, Canada. August 1997.

Zaleha MI, Osman A, Iskandar ZA, Muhammad Ali, Roslan I & Khalid BAK. Iodine Deficiency Disorder among Orang Asli in Sungai Siput Perak. 4th.Community Health National colloquim Oct. 1997.

Iskandar ZA,Osman Ali, Zaleha MI, Jamalludin M, Khairul G & Khalid BAK. Selenium levels among Aborigines in Tual Post and Sinderut Post, K. Lipis, Pahang : preliminary findings. 31st. Malaysia-Singapore Congress of Medicine (abstract was publish in Medical J of Malaysia 1997, 52(supplA): 41-42.

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA, Muhammad Ali, Roslan I & Khalid BAK. Two years of levothyroxine supplementation : the pre and post evaluation on nutrition and mental performance. 31st. Malaysia-Singapore Congress of Medicine (abstract was publish in Medical J of Malaysia 1997, 52(supplA): 41-42.

Iskandar ZA, Osman Ali, Zaleha MI, Muhamad Ali M, Roslan I & Khalid BAK. Effecct of palm oil intake on the nutritional status and blood pressure of the aborigines in Tual Post, Kuala Lipis, Pahang : Preliminary findings. 3 rd. Community Health National colloquim 1996.

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA, Muhammad Ali, Roslan I & Khalid BAK. The effect of thyroxine supplemantation on clinical and ntritional status - A study among aborigines in Lanai Post, Pahang. Asean Federation of Endocrine Society meeting. Manila 1996.

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA, Mohd. Ali, Roslan I & Khalid BAK. Mental performance in iodine deficiency areas : is it affected by thyroid hormone status? Kolokium Kebangsaan Kesihatan Masyarakat. Kuala Lumpur 1995.

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA, Mohd. Ali, Roslan I, Tan TT, Khalid BAK. Mental performance in iodine deficiency areas: is it affected by thyroid hormone status. Seventh Asian Congress of Nutrition. Beijing, China. 7-11 Oct. 1995.

Osman Ali, Zaleha MI, Iskandar ZA, Mohd. Ali, Roslan I, Tan TT, Khalid BAK. The effect of thyroxine supplementation on the prevalence and volume of goiter, thyroid hormone and TSH following one year intervention in goiter endemic areas. Seventh Asian Congress of Nutrition. Beijing, China. 7-11 Oct. 1995.

Osman Ali, Zaleha MI, Iskandar ZA, Mohd. Ali M, Roslan I & Khalid BAK. Kesan pemberian tiroksin terhadap BMI dan kompo sisi tubuh : suatu kajian di kalangan Orang Asli di Pos Lanai, Pahang. Kolokium Perubatan, Faculty of Medicine, UKM, 18-19th. August 1995.

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA, Mohd. Ali M, Roslan I & Khalid BAK. The effect of thyroxine on blood pressure among Aborigines in Lanai Post, Pahang. 29th Congress of Medicine, Academy of Medicine, 10-13 th. August 1995.

Zaleha MI, Osman Ali, Iskandar ZA, Mohd. Ali M and Khalid BAK. The effect of thyroxine supplemantation on the prevalence of goitre among Aborigines in Pahang - Preliminary result. Paper presented at Academy of Medicine scientific meeting, Kuala Lumpur, 28-31 Oct. 1994.

Iskandar ZA. and Osman Ali Hypertension and BMI among the orang Asli. Paper presented at International conference on Oils and lipid in health and disease, Penang, September 1994.

Osman Ali, Zaleha MI, Iskandar ZA, Zainuddin B, Mohd. Ali M & Khalid BAK. Prevalens goiter dan performans mental di kalangan orang Asli di kalangan Orang Asli di Sinderut, Pahang. Paper presented in Kolokium Kebangsaan Kesihatan Masyarakat Pertama. Kuala Lumpur, 6th. Oct. 1994.

Iskandar ZA, Osman Ali, , Zaleha MI, Zainuddin B, Mohd. Ali M & Khalid BAK. Hubungan BMI dan tekanan darah: suatu kajian dikalangan Orang Asli di Sinderut, Pahang. Paper presented in Kolokium Kebangsaan Kesihatan Masyarakat Pertama. Kuala Lumpur, 6th. Oct. 1994.


Research Activities

Research Groups/Team


Dr. Rohimah Mahmud- Department of Immunology, USM

Dr. Wong Kah Keng - Department of Immunology, USM.

Dr. Norzila Ismail -Department of  Pharmacology, USM.

Dr. Andee Dzulkarnaen Zakaria - Department of Surgery, USM.

Prof. Dr. Lim Jit Kang - Department of Chemical Engineering USM

Prof. Datin Dr.Sharida Fakurazi - Unit Pharmacology, Department of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine UPM

Dr. Azurahanim Che Abdullah  - Department of Physics, Faculty of Science UPM


Dr. Julia Omar, Department of Chemical Pathology, PPSP, USM. (Prostate Cancer Study)

Dr.  Azhar Amir Hamzah, Department of Surgery, PPSP. (Prostate Cancer Study) 

Prof. Dr. Fawwaz Shakir Al-Jouldi, KUIN, Ipoh, Perak.(Breast Cancer Study)

Prof. Dr. Hasnan Jaafar, Department of Pathology, PPSP, USM.(Breast Cancer Study)

A.P. Dr. Adam Hussein,  School of Dental Sciences, USM. (Prostate Cancer Study)

Prof. Dr. Siti Amrah,  Department of Pharmacology, PPSP, USM. (Prostate Cancer Study)

Dr. Sazlihan, Department of Pathology, PPSP, USM. (Prostate Cancer Study)

Dr. Marzuki, Department of Surgery, HKT. (Breast Cancer Study)

A.P. Dr. Khairul Osman, Biomedical Sciences, UKM. (Breast Cancer study)



Elucidating of the mechanism of 5-Fluorouracil loaded gold nanoparticles conjugated with CD133 antibody targeting survivin-positive colorectal cancer stem cells.RUI - RM 99, 428.00

PhD Student : Manali Haniti Mohd Zahid - Main Supervisor.

Master : Siti Nadiah bt Zulkifli (UPM)- Co-supervisor


Master of Pathology.

Survivin expressions and its association with serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) overexpression in cancer tissues and its clinical significance in prostate cancer patients. USM Shorterm Grant RM 40,000.

Dr. Normila Hadi, Hospital Besar Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

Dr. Rahidatul Fairuz Ibrahim, Hospital Besar Kota Bharu, Kelantan. 


Prediction of breast cancer according to expression of tumor marker (hMAM, Bcl-2, survivin, p53), BRCA1 gene expression and social-demographic factor.

Norwani bt Rosli-  Biomedical Sciences Department, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, UKM - Co-supervisor

In vitro cultivation of mammary cells or transformed cells/cancer: Breast cancer antigen study. USM Shorterm RM 20,000 304/PPSP/613336