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ECO Warrior Selfie Challenge

Our department is excited to launch a new challenge aimed at reducing the use of single-use plastic bags. As part of this initiative, staff and students are provided with specially designed eco-bags to use in place of plastic bags. This challenge not only promotes environmental sustainability but also encourages our community to engage in a fun and interactive way.

Participants are encouraged to take selfies with their eco-bags and upload them to Facebook, accompanied by creative captions and the hashtag #microbianscare. This social media campaign aims to spread awareness about the importance of reducing plastic waste and to showcase our collective commitment to sustainable practices.

The challenge adds a competitive element by selecting winners based on their activity level and the creativity of their captions. Those who actively participate and come up with the most inventive and engaging captions will be recognized and rewarded. This encourages everyone to think creatively about sustainability and to share their enthusiasm with a broader audience.

Through this challenge, we aim to significantly reduce the use of single-use plastics in our department while fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility. By making small changes and inspiring others, we can collectively contribute to a healthier planet and a more sustainable future.