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Kursus Spinal Injury Rehabilitation (Kompetensi Khusus)

11 September 2024 - Telah berlangsung Kursus Spinal Injury Rehabilitation (Kompetensi Khusus) dengan menampilkan En Mohd Zaidey Mohd Noor selaku penceramah kepada Bahagian Fisioterapi manakala En Mohd Najid Mahamed Jarif dan En Mohd Samsuri Muhammad Latpi selaku penceramah kepada Bahagian Pemulihan Carakerja dan Bahagian Prostetik & Ortotik. Kursus menerapkan pembelajaran kecederaan tulang belakang, kaedah perawatan dan pengurusan pesakit juga pembelajaran kepada penjaga pesakit kaedah penjagaan dan pengendalian pesakit dirumah.

Semoga dengan berlangsungnya kursus dan bengkel ini dapat memberikan ilmu yang terkini kepada semua jurupulih dan juruteknik di Unit Perubatan Pemulihan. Terima kasih diucapkan kepada ketiga-tiga penceramah yang sudi menyumbangkan ilmu dan melapangkan masa untuk berkongsi dengan staf di UPP.

May be an image of 4 people, people playing basketball and text

May be an image of 3 people

May be an image of 13 people and text

May be an image of 10 people

May be an image of 8 people, slow loris and hospital

May be an image of 4 people, people studying and text

May be an image of 3 people, scooter, segway and hospital

May be an image of 9 people and people studying

May be an image of 3 people, people studying and text

May be an image of 2 people, people studying and text

May be an image of 10 people

May be an image of 6 people, hospital and text

May be an image of 11 people, car and text

May be an image of 9 people, scooter, bicycle, hospital and text

May be an image of 4 people, scooter and hospital

May be an image of 4 people, people studying and text

May be an image of 12 people and text

May be an image of 10 people

May be an image of 1 person and speaker

May be an image of 2 people, hospital and text

May be an image of 6 people, people studying and text

May be an image of 4 people and text

May be an image of 1 person, studying and text


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