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List of Publications Backup

Publications 2023

  1. Al-Khreisat MJ, Ismail NH, Tabnjh A, Hussain FA, Mohamed Yusoff AA, Johan MF, Islam MA. Worldwide Prevalence of Epstein-Barr Virus in Patients with Burkitt Lymphoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Jun 15;13(12):2068. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13122068.
  1. Nor Nazli NA, Muthuraju S, Ahmad F, Mohamed Yusoff AA, Jaafar H, Shamsuddin S, Abdullah JM. Characterisation of Primary Human Hippocampal Astrocyte Cell Culture Following Exposure to Hypoxia. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Feb;30(1):92-106. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.1.8.
  1. Effendy MA, Yunusa S, Mat NH, Has ATC, Müller CP, Hassan Z. The role of AMPA and NMDA receptors in mitragynine effects on hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Behav Brain Res. 2023 Feb 13;438:114169. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2022.114169.
  1. Chun LW, Ramachandran RK, Othman SFF, Has ATC, George A, Mat NH, Suhaimi FW, Nor Hazalin NAM, Hassan Z. Persicaria minor ameliorates the cognitive function of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion rats: Metabolomic analysis and potential mechanisms. Behav Brain Res. 2023 Jun 5;447:114423. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2023.114423
  1. Ahad MA, Chear NJ, Keat LG, Has ATC, Murugaiyah V, Hassan Z. Bio-enhanced fraction from Clitoria ternatea root extract ameliorates cognitive functions and in vivo hippocampal neuroplasticity in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion rat model. Ageing Res Rev. 2023 Aug;89:101990. doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2023.101990.
  1. Mohamad FH, Mohamad Jamali MA, Che Has AT. Structure-function Studies of GABA (A) Receptors and Related computer-aided Studies. J Mol Neurosci. 2023 Oct;73(9-10):804-817. doi: 10.1007/s12031-023-02158-3.
  1. Che Has AT. The applications of the pilocarpine animal model of status epilepticus: 40 years of progress (1983-2023). Behav Brain Res. 2023 Aug 24; 452:114551. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2023.114551.
  1. NMF Aloysius, AI Abd Hamid, F Mustafar. Alpha and Low Gamma Embedded With White Noise Binaural Beats Modulating Working Memory among Malaysian Young Adult: A Preliminary fMRI Study. Mal J Med Health Sci 2023; 19(1): 113-124.
  1. Seri FAS, Abd HamidAI, Abdullah JM, Idris Z, Omar H, Abdul Rahman MR. Investigating cortical networks from vibrotactile stimulation in young adults using independent component analysis: an fMRI study. Neuroscience Research Notes 2023; 6(3): 194.1–194.15. doi: 10.31117/neuroscirn.v6i3.194.
  1. Istal Zani IA, Abd Hamid AI, Senik MH. A systematic review of fMRI studies of healthy adult human brain activation on learning and memory patterns for numerals. Neuroscience Research Notes 2023; 6(1), 179. doi: 10.31117/neuroscirn.v6i1.179.
  1. Lee YY, Izham N, Mohd Zulkifly MF, Mohamed Mustafar MF, Ismail AK, Mohamed Shah NFFN, Ab Razak A, Abdul Halim S, Idris Z, Ghani ARI, Ismail MI, Fitzrol DN, Yee AS, Zakaria Z, Abd Hamid AI, Sapiai NA, Mat Nawi N, Hassan N, Abdullah JM. The Brain-Gut Clinic in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia: Pioneering New Service to Advance Neuro-Gastroenterology and Motility in Malaysia. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Jun;30(3):1-7. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.3.1.
  1. Ismail MI, Ang SY, Fitzrol DN, Zakaria Z. Progress of Brain, Mind and Neurosciences in Universiti Sains Malaysia both Nationally and Internationally, and the Establishment of an Integrated Cerebrovascular Services and Clinic. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Dec;30(6):175-187. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.6.18.
  1. Fitzrol DN, Ang SY, Suhaimi A, Yeap TB. Rare occurrence of polymyxin B-induced hyperpigmentation in a child with ventriculitis. BMJ Case Rep. 2023 Apr 11;16(4):e253959. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2022-253959.
  1. Hassan SN, Mohamed Yusoff AA, Idris Z, Mohd Redzwan N, Ahmad F. A mini-review on anticancer-related properties of azithromycin and its potential activities in overcoming the challenges of glioblastoma. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2023 Oct;37(5):918-927. doi: 10.1111/fcp.12900.
  1. Nor Nazli NA, Muthuraju S, Ahmad F, Mohamed Yusoff AA, Jaafar H, Shamsuddin S, Abdullah JM. Characterisation of Primary Human Hippocampal Astrocyte Cell Culture Following Exposure to Hypoxia. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Feb;30(1):92-106. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.1.8.
  1. Chee HN, Othman A, Umar H, Mohamed Mustafar MF. Assimilating Problematic Experiences through Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Adolescence with Social Anxiety Disorder: A Case Study. Malays J Paediatr Child Health 2023; 29(3), 28-32. Doi:10.51407/mjpch.v29i3.276.
  1. Nallaluthan V, Tan GY, Murni MF, Saleh U, Abdul Halim S, Idris Z, Ghani ARI, Abdullah JM. Pain as a Guide in Glasgow Coma Scale Status for Neurological Assessment. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Oct;30(5):221-235. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.5.18.
  1. Chockalingam K, A Rahman NA, Idris Z, Theophilus SC, Abdullah JM, Ghani ARI, Ali A. Door-to-Skin Time in Patient Undergoing Emergency Trauma Craniotomy. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Aug;30(4):71-84. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.4.7.
  1. Khoo YH, Abdullah JM, Idris Z, Ghani ARI, Halim SA. Dorsal Column Bedside Examination Test: Tips for the Neurosurgical Resident. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Apr;30(2):172-179. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.2.16.
  1. Ab Razak A, Rahman NA, Zulkifly MFM, Sapiai NA, Phoa PKA, Mohamed Mustafar MF, Abdul Halim S, Ismail MI, Mohd Nawi SN, Ab Halim AS, Mohamed Hatta HZ, Abdullah JM. Preparing Malaysia for Population Aging through the Advanced Memory and Cognitive Service in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Oct;30(5):1-6. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.5.1.
  1. Abdullah JM, Idris Z, Ghani AR, Lim MS. Prediction of outcomes in traumatic brain injury: The IMPACT and CRASH prognostic models in a single neurosurgical center, Malaysia. J Neurosurg Sci. 2023 Jun;67(3):367-373. doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.21.05249-8.
  1. Mohd Noor NSE, Ibrahim H, Lai CQ, Abdullah JM. A Long Short-Term Memory Network Using Resting-State Electroencephalogram to Predict Outcomes Following Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury. Computers 2023; 12(2):45. doi:10.3390/computers12020045
  1. Lau BL, Idris Z, Abdullah JM, Bujang MA, Wong ASH. Introduction of a newly created AW stereotactic frame: a phantom-based accuracy evaluation and an initial experience in clinical usage. Br J Neurosurg. 2023;37(6):1572-1579. doi: 10.1080/02688697.2020.1837728.
  1. Sa'uadi MI, Lee KP, Abd Halim S, Abdullah JM. Bedside Examination Technique for Taste. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Aug;30(4):207-212. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.4.17.
  1. Hamzah N, Musa KI, Romli MH, Chen XW, Rahim MZA, Abdullah JM, Suliman MA, Ibrahim MI, Ismail TAT, Nadal IP, Kamalakannan SK. The Malay version of the caregiver assessment of function and upset instrument (Malay-CAFU): a translation and validation study among informal stroke caregivers. BMC Public Health. 2023 Jan 30;23(1):198. doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-15076-1.
  1. Jong HY, Rauf RA, Abdullah JM, Reza F, Tye J, Karageorghis CI, Kuan G, Li PCJ, Bakar NA. Rhythmic Music Training's Effect on Syntactic Structure Processing among Malay Adolescents with Syntactic Specific Language Impairment. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Aug;30(4):132-146. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.4.12.
  1. Zakaria Z, Van Rostenberghe H, Ramli N, Suhaimi MS, Hazlan SNH, Abdullah JM. The Key Aspects of Neonatal and Infant Neurological Examination: The Ballard Score, the Infant's Head with Hydrocephalus and Assessment in a Clinical Setting. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Aug;30(4):193-206. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.4.16.
  1. Abdullah AN, Ahmad AH, Zakaria R, Tamam S, Abd Hamid AI, Chai WJ, Omar H, Abdul Rahman MR, Fitzrol DN, Idris Z, Ghani ARI, Wan Mohamad WNA, Mustafar F, Hanafi MH, Reza MF, Umar H, Mohd Zulkifly MF, Ang SY, Zakaria Z, Musa KI, Othman A, Embong Z, Sapiai NA, Kandasamy R, Ibrahim H, Abdullah MZ, Amaruchkul K, Valdes-Sosa PA, Bringas Vega ML, Biswal B, Songsiri J, Yaacob HS, Sumari P, Noh NA, Azman A, Jamir Singh PS, Abdullah JM. Disruption of white matter integrity and its relationship with cognitive function in non-severe traumatic brain injury. Frontiers in Neurology 2022;13. Doi:10.3389/fneur.2022.1011304
  1. Idris Z, Reza MF, Zakaria Z, Ghani ARI, Ismail MI, Yee AS, Fitzrol DN, Latif MHA, Tang TB, Abdullah JM. Clinical magnetoencephalography: Eloquent brain area, brainwaves augmentation and MEG-based brain network with coherence and power spectral density changes. Horizons in Neuroscience Research 2023;49: 97-114. ISBN: 9798886977325
  1. Saleh U, Tan GY, Fuad M, Abdullah JM, Idris Z, Ghani ARI, Abdul Halim S. Examination Approaches to Brachial Plexus Injury for Neurosurgical Residents. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Dec;30(6):61-69. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.6.7
  1. Shaikh MF, Ngadimon IW, Chakraborti A, Abdullah JM, Russo E. Editorial: Experimental models of epilepsy and related comorbidities, Volume II. Front Pharmacol. 2023 Mar 24;14:1182958. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2023.1182958.
  1. Zabri SH, Ahmad AH, Zakaria R, Abdullah AN, Mukhtar SF, Abdullah JM. Probabilistic Tractography Between Nucleus Accumbens and Other Reward-related Brain Areas in Malay Female Adolescents. Mal J Med Health Sci 2023; 19(2): 61-68. Doi: 10.47836/mjmhs.19.2.11
  2. Muhamad Nor MA, Ahmad MI, Mohd Azli AN, Abdullah JM, Idris Z, Ghani ARI. Examination of Thoracic and Lumbosacral Spine Guide for Neurosurgery Residents. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Apr;30(2):111-123. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.2.10.
  1. Hamzah N, Malim NHAH, Abdullah JM, Sumari P, Mokhtar AM, Rosli SNS, Ibrahim SAS, Idris Z. Big Brain Data Initiatives in Universiti Sains Malaysia: Data Stewardship to Data Repository and Data Sharing. Neuroinformatics. 2023 Jul;21(3):589-600. doi: 10.1007/s12021-023-09637-3.
  1. Mohd Salleh N, Theophilus SC, Rahman NAA, Ghani ARI, Abdullah JM, Idris Z, Tan ZH, Kamil NM. Chronic Anterior Pituitary Dysfunction Following Traumatic Head Injury: Prospective Study in Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Feb;30(1):107-115. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.1.9.
  1. Nour Azimah Z, Abdullah JM. The 2022 Performance Report of the Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Dec;30(6):1-4. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.6.1.
  1. Vijian K, Cheng YT, Idris Z, Izaini Ghani AR, Abdul Halim S, Abdullah JM. Manual Muscle Testing of the Scapula and the Upper Limb through Bedside Examination. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Feb;30(1):198-212. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.1.17.
  1. Lim XY, Wong JKC, Idris Z, Ghani ARI, Abdul Halim S, Abdullah JM. Structured Manual Muscle Testing of the Lower Limbs. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Oct;30(5):206-220. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.5.17.
  1. Arumugam A, Tan SE, Tan SL, Tan JE, Hussin FH, Zenian MS, Idris Z, Abdullah JM. Tranexamic Acid in Non-Traumatic Intracerebral Haemorrhage (TANICH II): Introducing the Potential Role of 3 g Tranexamic Acid in Haematoma Reduction. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Jun;30(3):93-102. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.3.8.
  1. Sahrizan NSA, Manan HA, Abdul Hamid H, Abdullah JM, Yahya N. Functional Alteration in the Brain Due to Tumour Invasion in Paediatric Patients: A Systematic Review. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Apr 6;15(7):2168. doi: 10.3390/cancers15072168.
  1. Looi MC, Idris Z, Kumaran T, Thyagarajan D, Abdullah JM, Ghani ARI, Ismail MI. A Study of 309 Patients and at One Year Follow-Up for Depression after Traumatic Brain Injury. J Neurotrauma. 2023 Jan;40(1-2):94-101. doi: 10.1089/neu.2022.0031.
  1. Al Rjoob M, Hassan NFHN, Aziz MAA, Zakaria MN, Mustafar MFBM. Quality of life in stroke patients with dysphagia: a systematic review. Tunis Med. 2022 Octobre;100(10):664-669.
  1. Choong MPK, Othman A, Mohamed Mustafar MF. Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder and Depression: A Case Formulation. Evaluation Studies in Social Sciences 2023; 4(1), 23–30. Doi: 10.37134/esss.vol4.1.3.2023.
  1. Sukumaran P, Bahardin AA, Razak LHA, Senik MH. Application of Proteomics in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Mini Review. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 2023; 19(5):317-330. doi: 10.47836/mjmhs.19.5.38
  2. Shaharum MH, Yusoff N, Abdul Aziz A, Kuay HS, Hashim S, Roslee A. The Moral Identity Of Youth Who Do Not Smoke: Internalization Predicts Their Preference Towards Smoking And Non-smoking Behaviour. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2023;23(1): 34-41.
  1. Chun MC, Yusoff N. The Difference in Brain Processing Between Animate and Inanimate Beings in Moral Violation: An Electrophysiological Evidence. IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia 2023; 22(3): 57-62. Doi: 10.31436/imjm.v22i3.2261
  1. Islam MA, Alam SS, Kundu S, Ahmed S, Sultana S, Patar A, Hossan T. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med. 2023 Sep 30;12(19):6311. doi: 10.3390/jcm12196311.
  1. Cheng WP, Patar A, Wong YF, Zulfigar SB, Mohd Rozalli NH, Liu C, Zulkurnain M. Effects of Superheated Steam Pretreatment on Muscle Release and Meat Quality of Shucked Tropical Oyster (Crassostrea iredalei). Food Bioprocess Technol (2023). Doi: 10.1007/s11947-023-03281-0
  1. Zakaria Z. An Overdue Brain Death Assessment of Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: Review of Malaysian Medical Council 2006 Documentations. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Apr;30(2):182-184. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.2.18.
  1. Che Mohd Nassir CMN, Damodaran T, Ismail NI, Hashim S, Jaffer U, Hamid HA, Mehat MZ, Norazit A, Mustapha M. The NLRP3 Inflammasome in Age-Related Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Manifestations: Untying the Innate Immune Response Connection. Life (Basel). 2023 Jan 12;13(1):216. doi: 10.3390/life13010216.
  1. Yap KH, Azmin S, Makpol S, Damanhuri HA, Mustapha M, Hamzah JC, Ibrahim NM. Profiling neuroprotective potential of trehalose in animal models of neurodegenerative diseases: a systematic review. Neural Regen Res. 2023 Jun;18(6):1179-1185. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.360164.
  1. Muzaimi M, Prakash KNB, Cheah PS, Feng L. Editorial: New challenges and future perspectives in pathological conditions. Front Behav Neurosci. 2023 May 26;17:1201044. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2023.1201044.
  1. Mohamad N, Sayuti KA, Muzaimi M. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies of cerebral white matter integrity in normal to moderate cardiovascular risk patients. Neurology Asia 2023; 28(1):131-139. Doi: 54029/2023zvk
  1. Idris Z, Yee AS, Wan Hassan WMN, Hassan MH, Ab Mukmin L, Mohamed Zain KA, Manaf AA, Balandong RP, Tang TB. Clinical outcomes and thermodynamics aspect of direct brain cooling in severe head injury. Surg Neurol Int. 2023 Apr 28;14:158. doi: 10.25259/SNI_118_2023.
  1. Manan AA, Yahya NA, Taib NHM, Idris Z, Manan HA. The Assessment of White Matter Integrity Alteration Pattern in Patients with Brain Tumor Utilizing Diffusion Tensor Imaging: A Systematic Review. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Jun 24;15(13):3326. doi: 10.3390/cancers15133326.
  1. Zakaria Z, Idris Z, Abdul Halim S, Ghani ARI, Abdullah JM. Subthalamic Nucleus (STN)-Deep Brain Stimulation Reduces the Power of Mu and Beta Rhythms and Enhances Synchrony at the Motor Cortices in Parkinson's Disease: A Report of Two Cases. Cureus. 2023 Feb 16;15(2):e35057. doi: 10.7759/cureus.35057.
  2. Hasyizan HM, Mohd Nazaruddin WHWM, Laila AM, Zamzuri I, Zulfakar MM. Dexmedetomidine related apnea and desaturation during awake craniotomy: a case report. Anaesth. Pain Intensive Care 2023;27(4):609−612; Doi: 10.35975/apic.v27i4.1901
  1. Hassan SN, Mohamed Yusoff AA, Idris Z, Mohd Redzwan N, Ahmad F. The Co-Treatment of Temozolomide and Doxycycline Exhibits Antagonism Against Human Glioblastoma U87 Cells: A Short Communication. Asian Journal of Medicine and Biomedicine 2023;7(1),51-55. doi:10.37231/ajmb.2023.7.1.600
  1. Teh CS, Abdullah NA, Kamaruddin NR, Mohd Judi KB, Fadzilah I, Zainun Z, Prepageran N. Home-based Vestibular Rehabilitation: A Feasible and Effective Therapy for Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (A Pilot Study). Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2023;132(5):566-577. doi: 10.1177/00034894221111408

List of Publications (3)

Publications 2023

  1. Al-Khreisat MJ, Ismail NH, Tabnjh A, Hussain FA, Mohamed Yusoff AA, Johan MF, Islam MA. Worldwide Prevalence of Epstein-Barr Virus in Patients with Burkitt Lymphoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Jun 15;13(12):2068. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13122068.
  1. Nor Nazli NA, Muthuraju S, Ahmad F, Mohamed Yusoff AA, Jaafar H, Shamsuddin S, Abdullah JM. Characterisation of Primary Human Hippocampal Astrocyte Cell Culture Following Exposure to Hypoxia. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Feb;30(1):92-106. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.1.8.
  1. Effendy MA, Yunusa S, Mat NH, Has ATC, Müller CP, Hassan Z. The role of AMPA and NMDA receptors in mitragynine effects on hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Behav Brain Res. 2023 Feb 13;438:114169. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2022.114169.
  1. Chun LW, Ramachandran RK, Othman SFF, Has ATC, George A, Mat NH, Suhaimi FW, Nor Hazalin NAM, Hassan Z. Persicaria minor ameliorates the cognitive function of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion rats: Metabolomic analysis and potential mechanisms. Behav Brain Res. 2023 Jun 5;447:114423. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2023.114423
  1. Ahad MA, Chear NJ, Keat LG, Has ATC, Murugaiyah V, Hassan Z. Bio-enhanced fraction from Clitoria ternatea root extract ameliorates cognitive functions and in vivo hippocampal neuroplasticity in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion rat model. Ageing Res Rev. 2023 Aug;89:101990. doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2023.101990.
  1. Mohamad FH, Mohamad Jamali MA, Che Has AT. Structure-function Studies of GABA (A) Receptors and Related computer-aided Studies. J Mol Neurosci. 2023 Oct;73(9-10):804-817. doi: 10.1007/s12031-023-02158-3.
  1. Che Has AT. The applications of the pilocarpine animal model of status epilepticus: 40 years of progress (1983-2023). Behav Brain Res. 2023 Aug 24; 452:114551. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2023.114551.
  1. NMF Aloysius, AI Abd Hamid, F Mustafar. Alpha and Low Gamma Embedded With White Noise Binaural Beats Modulating Working Memory among Malaysian Young Adult: A Preliminary fMRI Study. Mal J Med Health Sci 2023; 19(1): 113-124.
  1. Seri FAS, Abd HamidAI, Abdullah JM, Idris Z, Omar H, Abdul Rahman MR. Investigating cortical networks from vibrotactile stimulation in young adults using independent component analysis: an fMRI study. Neuroscience Research Notes 2023; 6(3): 194.1–194.15. doi: 10.31117/neuroscirn.v6i3.194.
  1. Istal Zani IA, Abd Hamid AI, Senik MH. A systematic review of fMRI studies of healthy adult human brain activation on learning and memory patterns for numerals. Neuroscience Research Notes 2023; 6(1), 179. doi: 10.31117/neuroscirn.v6i1.179.
  1. Lee YY, Izham N, Mohd Zulkifly MF, Mohamed Mustafar MF, Ismail AK, Mohamed Shah NFFN, Ab Razak A, Abdul Halim S, Idris Z, Ghani ARI, Ismail MI, Fitzrol DN, Yee AS, Zakaria Z, Abd Hamid AI, Sapiai NA, Mat Nawi N, Hassan N, Abdullah JM. The Brain-Gut Clinic in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia: Pioneering New Service to Advance Neuro-Gastroenterology and Motility in Malaysia. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Jun;30(3):1-7. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.3.1.
  1. Ismail MI, Ang SY, Fitzrol DN, Zakaria Z. Progress of Brain, Mind and Neurosciences in Universiti Sains Malaysia both Nationally and Internationally, and the Establishment of an Integrated Cerebrovascular Services and Clinic. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Dec;30(6):175-187. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.6.18.
  1. Fitzrol DN, Ang SY, Suhaimi A, Yeap TB. Rare occurrence of polymyxin B-induced hyperpigmentation in a child with ventriculitis. BMJ Case Rep. 2023 Apr 11;16(4):e253959. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2022-253959.
  1. Hassan SN, Mohamed Yusoff AA, Idris Z, Mohd Redzwan N, Ahmad F. A mini-review on anticancer-related properties of azithromycin and its potential activities in overcoming the challenges of glioblastoma. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2023 Oct;37(5):918-927. doi: 10.1111/fcp.12900.
  1. Nor Nazli NA, Muthuraju S, Ahmad F, Mohamed Yusoff AA, Jaafar H, Shamsuddin S, Abdullah JM. Characterisation of Primary Human Hippocampal Astrocyte Cell Culture Following Exposure to Hypoxia. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Feb;30(1):92-106. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.1.8.
  1. Chee HN, Othman A, Umar H, Mohamed Mustafar MF. Assimilating Problematic Experiences through Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in Adolescence with Social Anxiety Disorder: A Case Study. Malays J Paediatr Child Health 2023; 29(3), 28-32. Doi:10.51407/mjpch.v29i3.276.
  1. Nallaluthan V, Tan GY, Murni MF, Saleh U, Abdul Halim S, Idris Z, Ghani ARI, Abdullah JM. Pain as a Guide in Glasgow Coma Scale Status for Neurological Assessment. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Oct;30(5):221-235. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.5.18.
  1. Chockalingam K, A Rahman NA, Idris Z, Theophilus SC, Abdullah JM, Ghani ARI, Ali A. Door-to-Skin Time in Patient Undergoing Emergency Trauma Craniotomy. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Aug;30(4):71-84. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.4.7.
  1. Khoo YH, Abdullah JM, Idris Z, Ghani ARI, Halim SA. Dorsal Column Bedside Examination Test: Tips for the Neurosurgical Resident. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Apr;30(2):172-179. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.2.16.
  1. Ab Razak A, Rahman NA, Zulkifly MFM, Sapiai NA, Phoa PKA, Mohamed Mustafar MF, Abdul Halim S, Ismail MI, Mohd Nawi SN, Ab Halim AS, Mohamed Hatta HZ, Abdullah JM. Preparing Malaysia for Population Aging through the Advanced Memory and Cognitive Service in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Oct;30(5):1-6. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.5.1.
  1. Abdullah JM, Idris Z, Ghani AR, Lim MS. Prediction of outcomes in traumatic brain injury: The IMPACT and CRASH prognostic models in a single neurosurgical center, Malaysia. J Neurosurg Sci. 2023 Jun;67(3):367-373. doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.21.05249-8.
  1. Mohd Noor NSE, Ibrahim H, Lai CQ, Abdullah JM. A Long Short-Term Memory Network Using Resting-State Electroencephalogram to Predict Outcomes Following Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury. Computers 2023; 12(2):45. doi:10.3390/computers12020045
  1. Lau BL, Idris Z, Abdullah JM, Bujang MA, Wong ASH. Introduction of a newly created AW stereotactic frame: a phantom-based accuracy evaluation and an initial experience in clinical usage. Br J Neurosurg. 2023;37(6):1572-1579. doi: 10.1080/02688697.2020.1837728.
  1. Sa'uadi MI, Lee KP, Abd Halim S, Abdullah JM. Bedside Examination Technique for Taste. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Aug;30(4):207-212. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.4.17.
  1. Hamzah N, Musa KI, Romli MH, Chen XW, Rahim MZA, Abdullah JM, Suliman MA, Ibrahim MI, Ismail TAT, Nadal IP, Kamalakannan SK. The Malay version of the caregiver assessment of function and upset instrument (Malay-CAFU): a translation and validation study among informal stroke caregivers. BMC Public Health. 2023 Jan 30;23(1):198. doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-15076-1.
  1. Jong HY, Rauf RA, Abdullah JM, Reza F, Tye J, Karageorghis CI, Kuan G, Li PCJ, Bakar NA. Rhythmic Music Training's Effect on Syntactic Structure Processing among Malay Adolescents with Syntactic Specific Language Impairment. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Aug;30(4):132-146. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.4.12.
  1. Zakaria Z, Van Rostenberghe H, Ramli N, Suhaimi MS, Hazlan SNH, Abdullah JM. The Key Aspects of Neonatal and Infant Neurological Examination: The Ballard Score, the Infant's Head with Hydrocephalus and Assessment in a Clinical Setting. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Aug;30(4):193-206. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.4.16.
  1. Abdullah AN, Ahmad AH, Zakaria R, Tamam S, Abd Hamid AI, Chai WJ, Omar H, Abdul Rahman MR, Fitzrol DN, Idris Z, Ghani ARI, Wan Mohamad WNA, Mustafar F, Hanafi MH, Reza MF, Umar H, Mohd Zulkifly MF, Ang SY, Zakaria Z, Musa KI, Othman A, Embong Z, Sapiai NA, Kandasamy R, Ibrahim H, Abdullah MZ, Amaruchkul K, Valdes-Sosa PA, Bringas Vega ML, Biswal B, Songsiri J, Yaacob HS, Sumari P, Noh NA, Azman A, Jamir Singh PS, Abdullah JM. Disruption of white matter integrity and its relationship with cognitive function in non-severe traumatic brain injury. Frontiers in Neurology 2022;13. Doi:10.3389/fneur.2022.1011304
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  1. Mohd Salleh N, Theophilus SC, Rahman NAA, Ghani ARI, Abdullah JM, Idris Z, Tan ZH, Kamil NM. Chronic Anterior Pituitary Dysfunction Following Traumatic Head Injury: Prospective Study in Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Malays J Med Sci. 2023 Feb;30(1):107-115. doi: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.1.9.
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  1. Zakaria Z, Idris Z, Abdul Halim S, Ghani ARI, Abdullah JM. Subthalamic Nucleus (STN)-Deep Brain Stimulation Reduces the Power of Mu and Beta Rhythms and Enhances Synchrony at the Motor Cortices in Parkinson's Disease: A Report of Two Cases. Cureus. 2023 Feb 16;15(2):e35057. doi: 10.7759/cureus.35057.
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1st Batch Master Integrated Psychology Programme

Mohamad Farahan Huszaimi Bin M.Pajar  Abd Raouf Bin Abdul Razak Muhammad Lutfi Bin Md Nizam Norasyikin Jane Binti Mustafa Kamal  Angela Chen Aun Kei 
Mohamad Farahan Huszaimi Bin M.Pajar Abd Raouf Bin Abdul Razak Muhammad Lutfi Bin Md Nizam  Norasyikin Jane Binti Mustafa Kamal  Angela Chen Aun Kei 
Seeh Ti Whan Loh Ken Joey  Neo Jia Yeh Asmirah Binti Jafarulla Khan Siti Amirah Hanna Binti Jafri Malin 
Seeh Ti Whan Loh Ken Joey  Neo Jia Yeh  Asmirah Binti Jafarulla Khan Siti Amirah Hanna Binti Jafri Malin 
Mariah Hanna Audrey Poh Sze Huey Sharifah Diana Bt Syed Abdul Halim  Suwarna Sukumaran  Ummi Norliyana Binti Zainal 
Mariah Hanna  Audrey Poh Sze Huey   Sharifah Diana Bt Syed Abdul Halim  Suwarna Sukumaran  Ummi Norliyana Binti Zainal
Nurulhidayah Binti Mohd Saat  Norsuhana Emilinadiah Binti Husin
Nurulhidayah Binti Mohd Saat Norsuhana Emilinadiah Binti Husin 

2nd Batch Master Integrated Psychology Programme

 Nur Syafiqah Syahrain Mohd Shafawi  Ifyani Hazirah Binti Mohammad Khairiyah Mohamad  Nur Syahrain Binti Kamarulzaman  Fatin Nurafiqah Abdul Fata 
Nur Syafiqah Syahrain Mohd Shafawi Ifyani Hazirah Binti Mohammad  Khairiyah Mohamad  Nur Syahrain Binti Kamarulzaman  Fatin Nurafiqah Abdul Fata 
Nurain Md Yusri  Oon Yen Min Tan Jing Hon  Lim Chean Wei  Hazirah Binti Zulkifli 
Nurain Md Yusri  Oon Yen Min  Tan Jing Hon  Lim Chean Wei  Hazirah Binti Zulkifli 
Nur Hani Liyana Kamarul Azahar Evelyn Ngui Ailing Shamni AP Markundu  Dalili Zahiah Zabri  Chang Kai Ru
Nur Hani Liyana Kamarul Azahar  Evelyn Ngui Ailing  Shamni A/P Markundu  Dalili Zahiah Zabri  Chang Kai Ru 
Ameera Tunnajmy Alias Aw Jian Xin Amirah Mudrikah Amirruddin Nurul Kamal Zulkanain  Muhammad Aiman Ismail 
Ameera Tunnajmy Alias Aw Jian Xin Amirah Mudrikah Amirruddin Nurul Kamal Zulkanain Muhammad Aiman Ismail
 Mohammad Raid Raihan Ooi  Syarafana Hazirah Zulkifli Liyana Mohd Tarmizi   Gabriel Thai Shang Hua  Punithamalar AP Rajagopal
Mohammad Raid Raihan Ooi
Muhammad Faisal Ooi
Syarafana Hazirah Zulkifli Liyana Mohd Tarmizi Gabriel Thai Shang Hua Punithamalar AP Rajagopal
Affaf Noor Saidi         
Affaf Noor Saidi Fakharuddin Aiman Jamal