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Objective  Department of Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care HUSM 

1. To produce  safe health care professional who are able to be a leader in the field of Anaesthesiologist and Critical Care.

2. To equip doctors-in-training with knowledge and skills in Anaesthesiology and Critical Care.

3. To lead and conduct a relevant research in  Anaesthesiologist and Critical Care.

4. To create innovation in Anaesthesiology and Critical Care.

5. To empower health development in Anaesthesiology and Critical Care through sustainable partnership.

6. To establish collaboration in clinical and research with national and international bodies.

7. To ensure at least 40% of students in the undergraduate Anaesthesia end posting  examination obtaining good grades (B and above).

8. To ensure ratio of postgraduates student to eligible lectures is not more than 6 to 1.

9. To ensure at least 50% of eligible lectures to be the main supervisor for research/dissertation to minimum of one postgraduate student.

10. To ensure at least 25% of MMed candidates graduate within 8 semesters.

11. To ensure 30% of eligible academic staff will be involved in research as Principle Investigator.

12. To ensure at least 50% of eligiable lectures publish at least one paper in the indexed journal as the main author or corresponding author.