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Student Affairs

Approval to Travel Overseas

What you should you do before traveling overseas for conferences and other matters

If you intend to go abroad for any official or personal reasons, kindly ensure that you have obtained the endorsement and approval from your Supervisor and your Dean. 

Please download the form “Deputy VC’s Approval For Student To Oversea” from the IPS website and submit the above documents to :- 

Puan Khatijah Ahmad
Sektor Pembangunan Pusat
H20, Bangunan Hal Ehwal Pembangunan Pelajar
Komplek Cahaya
11800 USM, Pulau Pinang
Tel : 04-653 5823

You are advised to plan your journey and submit the documents AT LEAST 3 months earlier to enable us to process and apply for approval from the relevant bodies. This shall help us to take the necessary actions should you go under any difficulties while being overseas. 

Download here