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On 27th April 2024, Paediatric Department of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) with the  collaboration of Paediatric Club Hospital USM had successfully organized their first-ever East Coast Paediatric Neurology Update. With the theme of: ‘Navigating the Developing Brain: Managing Common Paediatric Neurological Disorders’, this grand event, which was held at H Elite Design Hotel, Kota Bharu, Kelantan had attracted 195 participants from across the country. It aimed to provide continuous education and training in paediatric neurology field. This event had received sponsorship from Medants Technology, Lifeways Sdn Bhd and Eisai.

The opening speech was delivered by Associate Professor Dr Mohamad Ikram bin Ilias, Head of Paediatric Department USM followed by a remarkable keynote from Professor Dr Abdul Razak, Dean of School of Medical Sciences, USM. Subsequently, a mind-blowing gimmick was performed by a hemiplegic cerebral palsy patient named Raja Khairil Nizam, who proudly presented an acrylic brain that symbolized the theme of the event, to Professor Dr Abdul Razak as to officiate the ceremony.

A series of lectures were presented by the renowned speakers, namely Dr Rohaya Mohamad (Paediatric Neurologist Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu), Dr Nor Azni Yahaya (Paediatric Neurologist and Head of Paediatric Department, Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II, Kota Bharu), Professor Dr Zabidi Hussin (Vice Chancellor University of Cyberjaya and Paediatric Neurologist) and Associate Professor Dr Azamin (Paediatric Neurologist, Islamic International University Malaysia, IIUM). Participants were also actively involved in a quiz via Kahoot. 3 lucky winners with the highest scores received prizes from the organizer. Subsequently, 4 interesting cases were presented by Medical Officers from USM, HRPZ II and Hospital UIA for a fruitful and eye-opener discussion from the panelists. Finally, the emcee proceeded with closing remarks and the event was adjourned at 4.35pm.