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Frozen bone allograft includes femoral head, whole femur, proximal and distal femur, whole tibia, proximal and distal tibia, fibula, humerus, radius, and ulna.

Frozen bone allograft was recovered under full informed consent of the living donors or from deceased donors whose legal next of kin has given permission, for the allograft to be donated.

All donor’s medical/social history was screened for medical conditions or disease processes that would contraindicate the donation tissues. Donor blood sample were taken for screening of HIV, VDRL, Hep B and C. Global swab of the individual bones collected at recovery were cultured for microbial and fungal contaminants.

Whole Femur
Deep frozen whole femur without femoral head.
Whole Tibia
Deep frozen whole tibia.
Whole Humerus
Deep frozen whole humerus.
Distal Femur
Deep frozen distal femur (without femoral head).
Proximal Femur
Deep frozen proximal femur (without femoral head).
Femoral Head
Deep frozen femoral head.
Distal Tibia
Deep frozen distal tibia.
Proximal Tibia
Deep frozen proximal tibia.
Achille Tendon
Deep frozen whole fibula.
Bone Patella Tendon Bone
Fascia Lata
Quadriceps Tendon Bone

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