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Earth Hour is an annual global event organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) that encourages individuals, communities, and businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights for one hour as a symbol of commitment to the planet. It takes place on the last Saturday of March, from 8:30 to 9:30 PM local time. The event aims to raise awareness about climate change and the need for energy conservation, promoting sustainable practices and highlighting the importance of protecting the environment. Earth Hour began in Sydney, Australia, in 2007 and has since grown into a worldwide movement.

On June 25, 2024, from 1:00 to 2:00 pm, the Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology participated in the global Earth Hour initiative. During this hour, all lights in our department were turned off to raise awareness about energy conservation and the importance of reducing our carbon footprint. This symbolic act was a part of our ongoing commitment to promoting sustainable practices within our academic community.

The Earth Hour program aimed to inspire students, faculty, and staff to reflect on their energy consumption habits and consider ways to incorporate more environmentally friendly practices into their daily routines. By participating in this global movement, we hope to contribute to a larger cultural shift towards sustainability and environmental responsibility. The event also served as a reminder of the collective power we hold to make a positive impact on the planet through small, yet significant actions.